The guys ch 13

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Tristen's POV

It has been a day.and we are back home. I have not seen Luna at all and I'm kinda worried, I know it has only been a day but still. She has a dark past, so I just get worried easily. I normally talk to her a lot so I feel kinda bad. So I was hanging out at jason's apartment and he was being all fidgety and stuff. Dude are you all packed, I yelled from his room. Jason came around the corner and was all panicky. Bro your bright red, calm down! I walked over to where he plopped down to pout. I don't know what to do Jason complained. I sighed thinking why is he so worried it's just one plane trip. He frowned and said yeah I guess your right. So... Where are you and Britney going? I asked. He jumped up and said I'll tell you if you swear not a soul will know not even luna! I had to think about this for a moment. After some hesitation I agreed and he quietly told me every last detail. Wow I wish I had that kind of money, I would buy Luna any thing her heart desired, he interrupted my sentence to say, you know you and Luna are not even dating right? I frowned and said oh yeah then I shot him a bored look and said man, I don't get it! Get what he asked casually as he put up his board shorts and t shirts. I couldn't think straight so I just said aw never mind I have to go so I'll see you tomorrow.

A new begging (a sequel to hopeless love)Where stories live. Discover now