Britney's problem

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Britney's POV

I NEEED LUNA! God just get up come on you can do it! I repeated to myself agin. Im scared and sad and mad! And I just need luna. What to do, what to do. God well I guess I could get on Facebook. I sat up and pulled out my phone scrolling through my friends on chat. Oh thank god I said allowed, luna is online. I typed furiously and jammed the send button.

B, hey girl I'm in need of your help!

L, lol hey wats up?

B, can I come over it's important!

L, Oh, of coarse... doors open :)

B, thanks... on the way

when I got to luna's apartment what I saw was a sad sight, the girl was in the floor wrapped in blankets eating chocolate and watching some sappy love movie. Dude seriously!?! I yelled. I obviously scared her because she jumped up clutching the blanket. She shrugged and said "what?" I frowned and said girl and I thought I needed help, you look awful whats up?! She opened her mouth to speak but instead she shivered then said Tristen is mad at me AGIAN and well I'm lonely.

I crossed my arms and glared at her upon yelling, "Girl I got dumped in Paris and know I'm being stocked!"

Luna giggled then said sorry I'm being over dramatic. I gave myself a mental slap the said oh reeeaaly?!? she stepped forward and held out a hair tie, her smile, sly and unbelievably big. I quietly put my hair up then said so do you have a plan? She nodded evilly and said so you say your being stock, I nodded in return. WELL GET READY BECAUSE THIS MAY GET UGLY!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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