thirty four : beomgyu

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On the phone call with my mom, there was no mention of how distant I’ve been, no mention of all the calls I’ve missed or the texts that have gone unanswered. Honestly, I think she was just happy to be talking to me. But then, after I said I need  one formal attire, she kept insisting that she come down again so we could take another trip to the mall… just the two of us. I was able to get her talked out of that, but then she wanted to come down and help me get ready.

We finally came to an agreement when she insisted on at least meeting Taehyun for lunch.

And honestly, I thought it might be a good idea. Meeting parents seems like a big step in a relationship. Maybe that’s what step five in the plan was… meet the parents. Not that it matters now.

Honestly, the idea of two of my favorite people meeting excited me. Things went so well when she met Yeonjun that I wasn’t worried about it.

At least not until now, sitting here with the two of them around a small table at restaurant, my and Mom’s favorite lunch spot.

“So, Taehyun, what are you majoring in?” my mom asks as our waitress sets down a Reuben with a side of fries in front of her.

“I’m doubling in English lit and history, with a minor in French,” Taehyun says, pausing to thank the waitress for his alad. Lettuce, cheddar, boiled egg, and bacon, topped off with the classic pile of fries.

“Fries… on a salad,” Taehyun says, looking down at his plate. “Do you like that, Beomgyu?”

“Well—” I start, but am interrupted by my mom.

“It’s our favorite part!” she says, answering for me. My skin prickles as she sinks her teeth into a handful of her own and winks at me.

“I could never get used to it,” Taehyun replies, rolling them onto a napkin with his fork before pouring out his dressing. “Anyway! I’m really into Greek mythology right now. I’ve been reading this book on the origins of Apollo.…” His entire body lights up with that excitement that first caught my eye in class. I smile, watching him go on as she starts digging into the nitty-gritty of the book, about Apollo traversing the known world and finding a place to build his temple and…

My cheeks start to hurt, so I let my smile drop down into a straight line.

I look over at my mom, and I can practically see her eyes glazing over as Taehyun speaks.

“We’re—” I try to switch topics and tell my mom that we’re in biology together, but Taehyun sort of plows over me with more details of his book.

I never realized how much he likes to talk. I was so glad for it at the party. He would fill the silence when I was too nervous to say anything. So I just never really noticed, but… now that I want to, I can’t get a word in.

I feel a layer of sweat coat the back of my neck as I watch the scene drag on in front of me. My mom has clearly checked out of the conversation even though she’s still trying to be polite by offering an “oh” and “uh-huh” every now and again.

She hates him. My mom hates him.

God, this was such a terrible idea. I just thought… I thought she’d like him as much as I did.

As much as I do.

Maybe Taehyun’s just nervous to meet my mom. That I can relate to.

By the time we make it through lunch, I’ve barely eaten any of my sandwich, because I’m a little puddle of stress and anxiety. So I pack it into a to-go box for later, then follow my mom back out to her car, Taehyun walking beside me.

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