The First Contract

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Izuku: Here we are back in the intro.

Sagi: Hey Izuku what happened? We were knocked out by the puffball again.

Izuku: Well in the latest chapter of my story, the author made all the Izukus he made live in a house for two weeks.

Akuryo: Oh, how many versions of yourself do you have?

Izuku: According to the author, seven. Three of which are female. Oh the author is about to enter the room.

Me: Alright I'm back. Now let's get into the chapter.

Izuku: Enjoy!




Izuku just woke up from his dream. He knows that what he saw was real. He is the lord of geo. He also knows that there are people from Tevyat reincarnated into this world like him. And he knows who one of them is.

Izuku: Azhdaha....

Izuku sighs as he stood up from his bed and got ready for his day. He went down to see his mother asleep on the couch. He turned to the kitchen to see his breakfast prepared. Izuku sighed as he put a blanket on his mother.

Izuku: It's not good for you to overwork yourself mother. Take a good rest. 

Izuku then ate his breakfast and cleaned up. He then wrote a note for his mother and then went off. On his walk towards the playground he started to wonder who else other than Azhdaha is here?

Izuku: If Azhdaha is here, does that mean... Guizhong has.... No I can't get my hopes up. But still, I cannot exclude the possibility. But I think for now, I'll spend the day with an old friend.

Izuku made his way to the park where he saw a familiar black haired kid. He smiles as he approached him.

Izuku: It's nice to see you again Kirishima-Kun.

Kirishima: Ah Midoriya! You came just on time! By the way I invited another friend if you don't mind.

Izuku: Not at all. I enjoy meeting new people.

Kirishima: Awesome!

Izuku chuckled at his excitement. Azhdaha was always like this when he gained the ability to see the world. Izuku and Kirishima waited for his friend to show up. After a few minutes Kirishima grinned as they saw them. Izuku turned to where Kirishima looked and saw a pink skinned girl with pink hair and has horns on her head.

Kirishima: Mina!!

Mina: Kiri!!!

The two hugged and laughed. I smiled at their positivity. He's glad that Azhdaha has friends in this world. Kirishima then turned to me and grinned.

Kirishima: Midoriya, meet my best friend Mina Ashido! Mina meet Izuku Midoriya!

Mina: Nice to meet you Midoriya-San!

Izuku: Likewise, I am glad to be your acquaintance Ashido-San.

Mina: Hehe, Kiri told me so much about you. He kept saying how manly you were, that you like rocks and that the way you talk is like those fancy grown ups.

Izuku: Oh? My speech is fancy you say? I guess one does have an affinity towards more formal speech.

Mina went over to Kirishima to whisper something.

Mina: Did you understand a word he said?

Kirishima: Nope.

Izuku: I can hear your loud whispering you know.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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