Part one

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Harrys POV: I woke up, the sunshine leaking through my window, lumating his golden hair. I unplugged my phone from the charger and checked his notifications. I had a few missed messages from Ben and read them.

Haha I miss you too
Are you asleep
Well I'm going to bed so gn

"Ahhh!! I must've fell asleep while texting him." I thought, I texted him back apologizing for falling asleep. I got up and put on my uniform, I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I looked in the mirror. "What will everyone thing when they find out I'm gay??? No one can ever know. " I have a secret, I have a crush on Ben Hope, even though I'm homophobic... I don't know why or how it happened but his blue orbs and lucios blue locs are just so... Beautiful and memorising. I snapped out of thought and grabbed my bag and went outside to catch the bus. Once I got inside I checked my phone and apeartly Ben texted me!!

It's okay Harry, i hope you slept well. :)

I blushed at the message, I love talking to him. I let out a sigh and before I knew it I was at school. I went over to where the bench me and my freinds hung out was. I saw Ben and ran over. ".. Hi" I said trying to sound normal. "Uhh hi" He always seemed cold irl compared to his soft side online. I walked away and saw Tao. Perfect. I walked over to him. "Looking for your boyfriend" He rolled his eyes and sighed. "No I'm actually looking for your mum. My freinds laughed and Tao walked away, I hated Tao. The bell rung and the school day was normal. But after school I was gonna hang out with Ben and my freinds at the movie theaters.

It was about 6pm when I made it to the movie theaters and I walked in and saw Ben (and our freinds) I walked over to Ben and the group and said hi. We were talking until Nick and Charlie came. I bullied Charlie a bit but that's how I cope with my gayness I don't want. We walked into the theater and I sat down next to Ben. We were watching the movie which was a horror movie and I jumped at the jump scares. I was hoping Ben could comfort me, but when I looked at him I saw he was looking at Nick and Charlie. Did he have a crush on one of them?? This couldnt be happening. I wanted to cry so badly but I held it in. The movie ended and my jealousy took over, I started messing with him and I even called him a FAG, I was trying to impress Ben, okay? Charlie left and after that Nick came back all angry and started fighting me. Someone broke it up and we went home. I looked at where Ben was but he wasn't there.

I went home that night and cried into my pillow, my mom walked in and asked what was wrong but I told her she would never understand. She left me alone and I cried myself to sleep.

539 words 😋

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