The Prince of Rennaya

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On an uninhabited island, hundreds of kilometers off the coast of Kalista's Continent...

Galaico spat out sand, screaming from the pain. Only his head remained, as he had severed and kicked it as far as he could to avoid the suicidal attack.

"That damn prince! I swear if it's the last thing I do, I'm wiping out the entire clan!"

Birds squeaked off in the distance as he was met with silence. He cursed at the wind some more, before a low chill settled over him. He knew the danger all too well. This feeling in the air, could only mean one thing. The Dark Kings were here.

Frantically he accessed his comms calling his siblings, just noticing, that one of them was killed.

"Zelha, Calypso! The Dark Kings are here, you must stop them from reaching Father!"

Zelha chirped back.

"What do you think, we're doing, while you were asleep, Galaico?"

Calypso tapped in.

"We are already enroute, sit tight, and we'll send help, to your location. You're injured aren't you? Your Iko is barely visible, like a bug's."

Galaico was embarrassed, he hated asking his sisters or any of his siblings for help. However Father was the priority and if the Kirosian army is here. That meant, chaos was about to unfold.

Near the outskirts of Senae...

The feeling he had, watching his brother fall that way, was unlike anything he had ever felt. A revolting mixture of regret, sadness and fear of losing a loved one, choking him of his air.


Tobi yelled darting to his side, as smoke kicked up into the air. He grabbed hold of him, raising his head close and began to heal him as fast as he could.

However the organs he needed to repair, were far beyond, his capabilities. The amount of blood Osei was losing by the second was unrecoverable.

Tobi looked at his brother's eyes as he came to, slightly alleviated from the pain.

"Osei, hang on please!"

Osei recognized his brother, as his vision came to.

"Ahh Tobi... You're here."

Atlas watched as Tobi, attempted a futile act of saving him. He chuckled, shaking his head, and began walking towards them. Only to be cut off by a large wall of black fire, slicing across the land.

He glanced above him, cursing himself for letting his gaurd down.

"Mado, to what do I owe this visit?"

Mado stood with his sword on his shoulder and his brother by his side, wearing a gleeful smile on his face.

"Simple really, I've come to take your head. Besides... you should allow one to mourn their kin."

Tension rose between them, as the very planet seemed to shake. Atlas was beyond furious. Nothing was going his way.

Suddenly, cracking the sky with cloud bursts, Calypso and Zelha, crashed into the Dark Kings, taking them far off away from the site.

Atlas laughed out loud.

"My daughters, I owe you my gratitude."

He turned back towards the brothers, as the black walls of fire crumbled down.

Moments before with Tobi and Osei...

Tobi went into third gear, causing more strain on himself as his side effects began to show up.

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