Chapter 13: A Masked Nightmare

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*Cover Art is not mine it was made by KiwiAsli, go check them out over on Deviantart*


It was a cold and particularly snow stormy night on the surface of Copper-9, and inside of a colony on the outskirts of the abandoned mining complex, things.....weren't exactly going so well.

(Unnamed Drone Colony - Copper-9 Mining Complex Outskirts - Midnight)

A dating worker couple ran through the darkened hallways of the colony, fear lay clear on their faces as the male looked back to see if what ever was chasing them was still behind them.

Female Worker: Is he still behind us!?

Male Worker: No, but keep running just in case!

The two of them kept running until they eventually stopped in front a closet door, believing that they had lost their pursuer.

Female Worker: Wh-Who was that?

Male Worker: I don't know.....but who ever it was why are they trying to kill us?

Female Worker: don't think that was the masked nightmare back there do you?

Male Worker: No it can't have been him, he normally never goes into the outskirts.

Female Worker: Well who else could it be the-

The girl was interrupted as a sharp knife suddenly stabbed itself through her boyfriends chest. A splatter of oil and nanite acid flung itself onto the walls, the oil slightly getting on the girls glasses.

The two of them looked at the melting wound in horror as the knife was ripped out of the boyfriends chest, his body collapsing as the acid disintegrated his metal skin.

The girl gasped as she looked up to see who killed her boyfriend.

There in front of her, stood a male worker drone wearing a dark grey jacket over a black shirt with dark grey pants and grey boots with black socks. Short, unkempt black hair covered the drones head, but their most defining feature was the angry looking, grey metal mask they wore on their face.

In their left hand they held what looked like a kitchen knife with a nanite acid storage tank embedded in the handle, with a blade that was separated into sections with a yellow glowing acid tube embedded in the tip that ran down the blade and ended at the handle.

As the boyfriends body collapsed, the knife wielding drone sliced his head off and then sliced his head in half, nanite acid and oil splattering everywhere.

The female worker slowly backed up, her face filled with fear and her body trembling like crazy, the knife wielding worker snapped its fingers and the lights began to flicker.

Female Worker: Wh-What the!?

When the lights stopped flickering, the girlfriend looked to where the masked worker was only to realize that they were no longer there. She looked down and saw what was left of her beloved boyfriend, immediately tearing up at the sight of his brutally mutilated body.

While she was crying though, the masked worker walked up behind her and tapped her shoulder, she turned around slowly and looked at the killers face as they slowly took off their mask, revealing a psychotic purple eye.

The girls visor began to fill up with errors as she felt her body begin to grow weak, eventually collapsing to the floor as the masked worker swung their knife and decapitated her.

The masked worker walked over to their now deceased victims and carefully cut the core out of the girl with their knife. Grabbing it, the masked worker removed the core from the girl's body and looked at her and her boyfriend as a strange purple electricity discharged itself from his hands, seemingly absorbing the energy from the core, causing it to rust and wither.

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