Chapter 1: Their first meeting...

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While within the celestial realm, the celestial warrior, Azure Lion was tending to his patrols within the grounds of the area to make sure everything was alright and under control in their home. He would always do this just to be sure or in case he sees anything suspicious at any point of time but, when he was walking around, Azure mistakenly ran into someone since he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings that much and the person that he ran into fell onto the ground. "o-oh, oh my goodness i'm so so sorry i didn't mean to ran-into..." Azure started to say until he stopped dead into his tracks when he looked down at the ground and his eyes grew wide as he looked down to see a wolf girl with white fur and light blue markings all over her but, her ears were gray which he was looking right at them. As she looked up at him her eyes might his and her ears perk up "oh no, no it's okay! I'm alright, I should've paid attention to where I was going" the wolf girl said as Azure gently lowered his hand as an offering to help her up which she gladly takes his hand and Azure helps her up. "Thank you for helping me up and again I'm so sorry" she said as she gently brushed herself off from the dust and Azure looked at her and he gave her a bright smile "it's no problem and it's quite alright um, miss...?" Azure asked as he tilted his head to the side which the wolf girl smiles as she looked at him "my name is Miyuki, it's nice to meet you my dear warrior" Miyuki said as she bowed a little which Azure chuckled a little as he looks at her "please just call me Azure, I don't really mind" Azure said as he gently takes her hand and gently kissing it lightly on the top which made Miyuki's face flush bright red from him kissing her hand and Miyuki gave Azure a soft smile "I-I see" Miyuki said within a stutter as her tail wagged a little while she looked at him with a kind look in her eyes.

Azure smiled back at her as well and gently lets go of Miyuki's hand as he looked at her "so, what are you doing out here by yourself...?" Azure asked as he tilted his head to the side a little to see if he gets an answer from her and Miyuki just rubbed her neck a little bit as she cracked a tiny smile "I just got done with a meeting with the high council and the Jade Emperor with some can be stressful at times I swear..." Miyuki stated as her ears twitch a little bit and she did look really exhausted from what Azure could tell otherwise. "Well, you know if you like Miss.Miyuki I could help you walk you home if you like...?" Azure asked as he lift his hand up to give it to her to see if she would accept his offer to walk her home and which she couldn't just say no to a kind offer like that from the Celestial warrior like himself "Well, I can't really say no to a warrior like yourself" Miyuki said as she gently takes his hand within hers and she gave him the brightest smile of her life which made Azure's heart skip a beat and made his cheeks flush a little red as he gently smiles back at her "alright then, just show me where your home is and i'll take you back safe just in case" he said as Azure watches her point to the direction to where she lives and then he nodded to her and he helped her back to her home so she was safe and alright.

When the two finally got to her house she gently lets go of Azure's hand and she gently brushed a strand of her hair away from her face while she looked at him "Thank you so much for walking me home Azure, it was really kind of you to do" Miyuki said softly as she gently gave him a soft smile which Azure felt his cheeks flush a little as he smiled a little back "Oh, you don't have to thank me Miyuki, that's what I do! I have to help my people because, if I didn't well, it wouldn't be right not for me to help anyone especially like a lovely women like yourself" Azure said as he gently takes her hand again gently and plants a soft gentle kiss on top of her hand which makes Miyuki's cheek flush brightly pink as her tail fluffed up and her ears perk up as well. Azure notices this and he chuckles a little as he gently lets her hand go and then he had an amazing idea! "So, Miss.Miyuki are you going to be busy tomorrow...?" Azure asked her as he looked into her eyes gently which made her tail wag a tiny bit "N-No i'm not actually the higher council allowed me to take a small break for now since I did a really good job, may I ask you why your asking me that...?" Miyuki asked as she looked at Azure for a moment and Azure then smiled warmly at her "Well, I was wondering if you would like to spend some more time with me tomorrow...well, I mean to get to know each other that is" Azure said as he rubbed his neck a little while his cheeks flushed a little tiny bit red as he tried to ask her out on a date which, he's never done before really.

Miyuki looked at him for a moment as she giggled softly and smiled brightly "Azure, are you asking me out on a date?" Miyuki asked him which he looked at her for a moment and then he just nodded since his face was so red and embarrassed because, he never asked anyone out before in his life and then, she smiled and gently took his hand which made him get caught off guard and he looked up at her "Then, of course i'll see you tomorrow or well, see you tomorrow for our date" Miyuki said as she smiled brightly at him and gently lets go of his hand and she waved at him a little as she walked to her door and opened the door "Then, i'll see you then" Azure Lion stated as he looked at her and she did the same and gave him a kind smile and then, she walked inside her home and shut the door and when she did fully shut the door her heart was beating like a drum and her face was all red as she was really going out with the Azure lion himself! Azure Lion just stood there for a moment and felt his heart racing...oh gosh, he literally just asked the first girl out in his entire life...! He was nervous but, he tried to act confident with this, this women seemed really nice and he wanted to give her a shot with her...right? So, Azure quickly headed back home to get some rest for his bright day tomorrow with Miyuki on their date and let's just say he couldn't wait to see her again and nore couldn't she.

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