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"Macy! Hurry up, you're going to be late!" My mother snapped at me, trying to push me out the door.

I smiled softly and looked at her, stopping her in her tracks. "I know you're just worried about me."

She sighed deeply and nodded. "I'm your mother. It's what I do." She gave me a small smile before looking me up and down, her hands moving to smooth out the tan dress I was wearing. "You look just like your brother." She told me, pausing when she had to bite her lip.

My family had the worst luck in the entire world, and I'm pretty sure everyone knew that. My mother had two children. Had. My brother was called to be in the games when he was sixteen, I was only two. Now it was eight years after his reaping, that we were to see if I was too meet the same fate.

I remember the story like I was actually there.  My mother would tell it to me in times of sadness; as a way to tell herself that things could be worse. A girl from Seven, overwhelmed with the anger and sadness that my brother killing her teammate brought her, pounced on him and stabbed him right in the chest.

The cannon sounded exactly one minute later.

"I'm just worried for you. You know every year I get worried." She told me, her clear blue eyes already filling with tears. "And who knows what will happen if you were in the Games-"

"I would win." I told her firmly. "But right now, we just have to go and see another girl and boy get called to their death." Rolling my eyes, I fixed my hair and walked out of my house with my mother at my side.

I went through the usual check, getting ordered to a section of other teens my age with all of them herding around me. I would be standing with the sixteen year olds; all of us packed together tightly as I was in District 4 and it was quite large.

After getting the usual speech of the history of the Hunger Games, and why we needed it; it was finally time to know who was going to have to fight for their lives. You could feel the fear in the air, but also the pride that some of the children had; wanting to be in the games and fight for our district.

The escort was the same man you would see every year. A vibrant man from the Capitol, dressed in only the finest clothes with perfectly plucked eyebrows to match his sky blue painted nails. "Good evening everyone!" He yelled, trying to get a response. "Let's get started, shall we?" He asked, stepping over to the large glass bowl containing names, I'm guessing the girls.

This was it. My life was on the line, and I wasn't ready to die. I had so many things I wanted to do in my life; and die in the Hunger Games isn't one of them.

"Macy Willow!" He said into the microphone, scanning over the audience to try and find me.

I started to move until I got up to the stage. Walking up, I was praying they wouldn't make me speak. I was afraid I was going to cry or only get out one gasp and then fall to my knees and beg to get out of this. I couldn't even look at my mother.

While I was in my own little world of panic, I could hear the escort moving back over the microphone once he grabbed the boys name. "Ashton Irwin." He spoke clearly, watching him come forward from the eighteen year old group.

This was my other half in the games. This tall, tanned, sandy-haired teen was my partner. He stood next to me and gently shook my hand. His hands were massive compared to mine. But most guys here have large hands; they're good for fishing.

The two of us were lead into the city hall building. I went to one room, and Ashton was sent to the other. I knew what this room was for. People were going to come in and say goodbye and tell me they were going to pray for me to come back alive.

My mother walked through the door and instantly embraced me. Her tears were flowing faster than the streams we learn to fish out of. "I-I told you I was worried about you!" She yelled, finally able to get her words out.

"It's alright. I'll be alright." I told her, trying to calm her down as much as I could without crying. I understand how terrified she must be; losing two children to the same awful game.

Before we could even finish our last moments together; she was taken away from me too soon. "No! Macy!" My mother screamed out as she was dragged out of the room. "I love you so much Ma-" She was cut off by the heavy door slamming shut.

Taking a deep breath, I held in my tears as I could hear her yelling my name down the hallway. That's when I also heard Ashton's name getting yelled by a woman; then children. I didn't even want to cry at my own mother leaving me, but children. It tore my heart out right there.

My door opened and I walked out into the hall; Ashton joining me as we walked to the train. As we boarded, I took one last look at my home before I walked onto the train. The doors closed behind me and I knew there was no going back.

I took a seat and Ashton sat in the one next to me. The door that was next to the stand filled with drinks of every color opened and the escort walked in, along with out mentor behind him.

And our mentor was Finnick Odair

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