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Finnick took the seat across from the two of us, his eyes scanning over every little detail he could see. "How old are you?" He finally asked, his eyes locked on mine.

"I'm sixteen." I told him, my eyes only meeting his once before I had to look away. It was like his eyes could see right inside me, and they burned.

Ashton calmly told him eighteen before he sighed deeply. "What do you have in mind for us winning?" He asked him, running a hand through his hair.

The word 'us' startled me. I knew if one of us was going to win, it was going to be Ashton. He was so much bigger than I was, and I knew that he had a great chance of winning.

"Do you two have any skills? Any angles you want to play for the people to like you?" Finnick asked us, looking like he was interested, but also like he had a migraine.

"I don't know. I'm pretty funny if that counts." Ashton shrugged. "People have told me I'm charming."

I was now Finnick's target. He realized that he could get Ashton into his perfect mold of what we needed to get sponsors. "What about you Macy? Do you have anything you feel you're good at?"

Blinking, I shook my head. "I don't really have the best people skills." I said to him, biting my lip as I looked down at my lap.

Finnick moved closer and gently rested his finger under my chin; getting me to look at him. He looked so much better up close that I could have ever dreamed. "You just have to try." He smirked, pulling away and sitting back in his chair.

A blush dusted my cheeks, and I pulled myself away from him. Finnick must have done this with everyone, him being the most charming man that had ever left District 4. It must have been how he got girls to like him so much.

"We have promise this year, I know we do." Finnick told us, grabbing a glass of water off of the table next to him; taking a sip before he set it back down. "Ashton seems good with finding angles for people to like him, but Macy you might need to try harder."

Glaring at him, I nodded. "I'll try my best to please you, your highness." Giving him a mock bow, I crossed my arms over my chest as Ashton held back a laugh.

Finnick shook it off and stood up, looking out the window before turning back to look at us. "We'll be at the Capitol in a day or two. You two should eat and rest up, because when we get there, you're gonna have to get all dressed up and ready for the opening ceremonies. "

Our escort walked into our room quickly, sitting down in the seat next to Finnick. The look on Finnick's face showed that he really didn't want to work with this man; just as much as we didn't want to. "Good evening you two!" He yelled, smoothing out his pants while he sat down.

"Hello, Sky." Finnick mumbled, running a hand through his hair while he took a deep breath in. "We were just talking about their skills to get the people to like them, seeming that Macy might need some work."

Sky gave me a once over before he let out a laugh. "I think we should give her a makeover, but that's always my answer. I'm sure there's a rich man in the Capitol who would love to spend his money on her." He smirked, picking up a glass that was filled with a sparkling purple drink, bringing it to his lips to take a sip.

Finnick gave me a look and then clapped his hands together. "Let's talk about something besides Macy right now. We'll get back to it." He said as the door opened and people began bringing in trays of foods.

"I think we all better eat before the food get's cold." Sky smiled, clapping his hands together.

The four of us moved over to the dining table. Plates of salmon drizzled honey over rice, greens cooked in a thick sauce, and a light chocolate mousse topped with berries to finish the meal. Sky was drinking something that resembled water; but I knew it wasn't water by the way he was acting. Or maybe it was just him.

Finnick, once he had already finished half of his salmon, looked up at Ashton and I with a smile. "You two should get some rest. It's gonna be a busy day tomorrow, and you two are gonna need it."

Ashton said nothing, but got up and went right out the door; going to his room. I wanted to ask him about who were the children when he left. I don't think now was the time, but then again, when would be the right time?

Slowly, I stood up from my chair. I looked at Finnick, not wanting to look at Sky. "Finnick? Is it okay to be scared?"

He paused and stood up, gently pulled me into his arms, rubbing a soft circle on my back. "Don't worry. You'll be alright. Now go get some sleep."

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