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It was 7 am and the sun was just barely peeking through the clouds. Despite the mountain being covered in snow, the big, fiery ball of light did not fail to deliver warmth to all that its rays fell upon. One of its victims was Meguru Bachira— a bubbling boy whose mornings were filled with energy and motivation to practice football.

"Ah, that was a nice run." He heaved as he stopped in front of his cabin. He had just finished his morning run and found it weird how he did not break a single sweat. "Wish I could live here! Maybe, then, I wouldn't have to use deodorant— never mind, Mom would still make me use one." He huffed.

He entered his room in haste and came out almost immediately with a football in hand. "What does the monster say I should practice right now?" He tapped his cheek and waited.

No response.

"Still mad at me for ditching you that one time?" He huffed, dropping his ball on the ground and stepping on it. "So petty." He took a few steps back before running at the ball and sending it flying.

Thwack! Had the campfire been alive, his football would've been toast.

"Oops, my bad."

"Bachira, what are you up to so early in the morning?" He turned his head towards the source of the voice and found Hyoma standing outside of his cabin looking like he had just woken up.

"Practicing! What's it look like?"

"It's 7 am on a cold summer day."

"Yeah, and? Kunigami and Isagi are out in the streets running five miles."

"It's Isagi and Kunigami." Hyoma sighed, rubbing his temples. "... Just don't destroy any private property, okay?"

"Sure."  Meguru shrugged, watching as Hyoma retreated into his room. He picked his ball up and took it as a sign to find another place to practice his kicks.

As he trudged through the thick snow, he couldn't help but wonder if practicing his kicks would even be possible with his feet being buried two feet into the ground.

"This must be how short people feel on the grass," he said as he stopped in a certain clearing away from the cabins. "I can do it, anyway, if the monster comes out." He grinned. "Come on, lil guy, anytime now!"

No response, once again.

"Man, you're starting to make me feel like I'm crazy, you know." 

Still no response.

Groaning at the silent treatment his imaginary friend was giving him, he finally decided to kick the ball regardless of whether or not he had the assistance of his monster. 

"Alright, here I go." He ran back a few feet away and charged at the ball.

Thump! The ball was sent flying toward a tree, slamming at its large bark before falling back into the snow. However, he couldn't help but feel disappointed as there was still no sign of his monster friend.

He sighed as he went over to pick up his ball. "C'mon! If you help me, I can surpass Isagi and be the world's #1 striker much faster!" 

After receiving yet another response, the bi-color-haired boy decided to sit leaning against the tree, clutching his ball to his chest. He tried thinking of more ways to coax the monster out of him, but it all boiled back to the fact he was simply a seventeen-year-old boy with big dreams and was probably in need of therapy.

It didn't help, however, that his monster had been with him through his toughest times. It was there when he was lonely and needed some encouragement. Sure, he finally found true friends, but was it necessary for it to just disappear?

He spent some more time in his thoughts and slowly spiraled deeper into the mourning of his friend's loss when he heard multiple footsteps making their way toward him. He got to his feet and ran towards a bush to hide. The reason as to why he hid? It's Bachira— we'll never know.

As he poked his head out of the bush, his golden eyes were met by the appearance of (Y/n). He didn't know why, but she looked exceptionally beautiful today. Perhaps it was the morning light, but she just seemed happier and more carefree.

In contrast to her choice of clothes the night before, the (h/c)-haired girl was finally properly dressed for the cold. She wore a coat, some boots, and even a cute little (favorite animal) bonnett.

She wandered around the area for a bit with her eyes glued onto her phone. He wondered what's gotten her so hooked to her screen that she didn't notice the tree she was about to slam into.


"Ow." She hissed, dropping her phone in shock. She bent down and picked her phone back up, surprisingly still unaware of the eyes watching her every move.

'How clumsy,' Meguru thought to himself in amusement. 'I wonder what would happen if I...'

(Y/n) looked up, the sound of something heading towards her at top speed grabbing her attention.

Thump! A snowball had hit her square in the face.

Meguru held a hand over his mouth, suppressing the giggles he was so tempted to let out. He didn't know why, but at that moment, he knew he had to throw a snowball at the unaware girl. No, something told him to throw a snowball at the unaware girl.

Lifting his head slowly, he looked to his side to see the dark silhouette is his little friend. "Look who finally decided to show up." He smiled. "You more into snowballing people in the face than soccer?"

Thump! This time, it was his turn to get snowballed in the face.

"Whoever you are, just know that I won't let that slide!" (Y/n) shouted, a competitive smirk on her face. "Don't mess with the snow mountain lady! This is my territory!"

And that's how both the girl and the boy engaged in an intense snowball fight. With Meguru still hidden in the bushes— identity kept from (Y/n)— he had the biggest advantage... So why was it that the longer they exchanged snowballs, the closer she got?

"Has she always been that close? Oh shit—"

"Got you!" (Y/n) pried to bush apart, a huge grin on her face. "Now, how about we take this fight out in the open where it's fair, Mr. Bachira?" She held a hand out.

Meguru laughed at her nervously, not expecting to have her towering over him so quickly. "H-hold on just a moment—" 'Am I nervous? Why am I nervous?'

He eyed his monster who looked at him as if saying "Go on, don't be a coward". Gathering his wits, he accepted her hand and let her pull him out of the bush— football slipping from his grasp.

As the ball slipped away deeper into the hedge, (Y/n) and Meguru embraced their inner child and proceeded to shoot snowballs at one another at their quickest speed.

Meguru prided himself on his speed and precision, excelling at dodging and sniping her at certain distances. (Y/n), however, was a machine gun. No matter how many times the boy hit her with a snowball, she did not so much as flinch. She tanked every hit without faltering in her attacks.

"Give up and maybe I'll let you live!"

"It's not fair~ you're used to the cold. I'm not!"

"Another reason for you to just quit, isn't it?"


And so, the two childlike teenagers went fighting till they had both been spent. To be truthful, they would've spent much longer exchanging hits if it weren't for Rensuke calling them both in to prevent them from getting sick.

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