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"That was fun!"

"There was so much blood and the life of a living animal was on our hands, Bachira."

"That's why it's fun!"

Yoichi sighed, feeling a wave of bewilderment wash over him. Only a few minutes had passed since their impromptu surgery on a squirrel had ended successfully. None of them comprehended what had unfolded, but they had followed the instructions of the enigmatic (Y/n), their de facto leader. None of them had anticipated their winter break would involve a daring rescue operation for a squirrel.

"Let's give it a name! How about Banana?" Meguru suggested enthusiastically, walking beside Rensuke, who cradled the slumbering squirrel gently. "Can I hold it, please? Pretty please?"

"It's too delicate right now, Bachira. I can't risk it," Rensuke replied firmly, concerned for the squirrel's well-being.

"Aww! That's so mean! I'm not that bad, seriously!" Meguru pouted and turned to (Y/n). "Tell him, (L/n), tell him!"

"I'm not really in any position to agree, you know." (Y/n) chuckled, shifting herself as the white-haired boy saddled on her black threatened to fall. "We'll be climbing stairs soon, Mr. Nagi, please hang on well."

Seishiro ruffled his face onto her neck, securing his grip around her shoulders as he groaned in annoyance. "S'ok, just don't wake me up."

"You really have no shame." Rensuke sighed, shaking his head disapprovingly at his fellow striker. "After all Miss (L/n) has done for us, you still choose to subject her to your childish requests?"

"He's right, Nagi. Why do you never ask me to give you piggyback rides anymore?" Reo eyed the two enviously.

He knew better than anyone else that (Y/n) had no malicious intent, yet still, he felt as though her toleration of Seishiro's clinginess was done with a goal in mind. It was not as though Seishiro was a terrible bachelor.

"S'abother," Seishiro responded. "(L/n) smells good too."

"You should thank Mr. Chigiri." (Y/n) chuckled. "He gave me an excellent long-lasting perfume. Thank you for that, again."

Hyoma smiled, happy that his kind gesture was taken gratefully.

"I don't care. It's (L/n) that smells good, not the cologne."


"Hey, there's no use arguing over something so petty." Hyoma clicked his tongue. "We're all hungry, so why don't we stop by somewhere to eat?"

No one could resist the idea of eating warm, hearty food in a cold region.


Upon entering the quaint ramen shop located on the roadside leading back up the snowy mountain, Yoichi could not help but wallow in the feeling of his hunger. Granted that he had not been given access to any food for about seven hours now, the smell of freshly made ramen was too tempting for him to resist. His hands shook as a result of his famishment, wasting no time in gulping down the free tea they were given.

"Hey Isagi, it's been a while." Yoichi placed his empty tea cup down and turned to their waitress. "... Lili?! I thought you worked at the other stand—"

"I switch around wherever I'm needed." Lili chuckled. "Everyone has placed their order already. Will yours be the usual?"

"You remember my usual?"

"Of course, how could I forget when (L/n) reminds me of it every week." Lili winked and motioned for the girl in question.

Yoichi stared at (Y/n) as she laughed at a joke Meguru had told her. Despite having just emerged from the snowy terrain, she still managed to look flawless despite her messy look. How did she do that? It was driving him insane.

"... She reminds you of my favorite food every week..." he muttered under his breath.

"Yoichi always got the pork tonkotsu with extra sesame oil. It's because I made fun of him for always ordering the most basic ramen when we were kids, she'd say. She also talks about how much she misses you, you know." Lili winked again. "I was wondering how you could leave such a catch to pursue your dreams. And seeing as you brought your fine friends over to meet her, you haven't learned your lesson."

Yoichi bit his lip and hid his face in his arms. "I know, I know. You didn't have to remind me... Can you just get me that pork tonkotsu with extra sesame oil?"

"Sure thing." Lili shrugged and jotted down his order. "I'll go get your orders now. Don't think too hard, alright?"

In the few moments it took for the brunette to walk away, Yoichi had successfully gathered the courage to finally say something to (Y/n). This whole time he had been wallowing his guilt and assuming she did not care for him the same way she did when they were kids. To discover he was wrong was something that felt greater than euphoria to him.

He turned to (Y/n), ready to speak his mind, when... Ah, yes. He had completely forgotten how popular his childhood sweetheart was amongst his friends.

He was truly beginning to regret his decision on bringing them with him.

"(N/n), (N/n), look at this." Oh, Seishiro had already managed to come up with a nickname for her.

The white-haired boy whipped out the sunflower coat he had purchased for her and draped it over her shoulders. "Bought it for you."

(Y/n) gasped, admiring the coat with wide eyes. "You... Bought this for me? You didn't have to..."

"Oi, Nagi." Reo slapped his friend on the back. "You didn't bring any cash with you. What did you use to pay for the coat."

Seishiro looked at him, biting his tongue in annoyance. "Don't wanna tell."

"You used my card, didn't you?"

"It's practically mine! You gave it to me!"


"She's cold and it looks good on her, okay."

Reo's eye twitched, having just about enough of his friend's sudden clinginess towards the girl who was not him.

"I'm sorry, you can always take the coat back and get a refund," (Y/n) said as she began to take off her jacket. "Grandma Sylvia is very understanding despite popular opinion."

Reo sighed and rubbed his forehead. He could not, for the life of him, maintain the anger he knew he should have towards her. She was innocent— he could not argue with that logic.

"It's fine, keep it. It's Nagi's fault for being irresponsible and forgetting his coat in the first place."


"I'll pay you back once we get back," (Y/n) said unwaveringly.

"No, I'm serious," Reo said. "It wasn't that expensive. Not a big deal."

"Are you sure?" (Y/n) tilted her head to look at him.

Reo's eyes widened and immediately looked away. God, he could not find any fault in her.

"Yes (L/n), I'm sure."

Yoichi sighed and turned right back around. Even Reo was not immune to her charms. What the hell was he supposed to do now?

'It's not like the guy who turned into a jerk and left her has any right to get upset, anyway.' He thought to himself. 'Even Nagi has treated her better in two days. I have no right. I have no right. I have no right—'

"Yoichi? Were you going to say something?" The ravenette instinctively turned around, naturally drawn towards the owner of the voice.

"Uh..." His eyes trailed towards anywhere but the girl in question. 'C'mon, just tell her you want to spend quality alone time with her! It's not that hard.'

"I just wanted to remind you that... Hikari wanted us to inform you of a new churro recipe they've gotten their hands on."

"Oh!" (Y/n) beamed. "That's great! I'll make sure to visit her as soon as I can!"

Their meals began to arrive little by little, and soon enough, Yoichi had lost every chance he had to speak with her without the interference of his friends.

'Stupid. Idiot.' He thought to himself.

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