Forgive Me

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A man is seen sitting in an office where the adult seems to be waiting for someone. The office has white walls, the desk made out of wood with a holo computer keypad visible. A shelf displaying various trophies and important files sorted alphabetically. The man waited patiently. Soon enough a woman in her 40s came in, wearing a white lab coat with red lining in the centre over a maroon turtle neck shirt and a red turban.

"Agent Dayang, I assume?" the man asked getting an immediate response in the form of a nod by the woman.

"Mr.Yaakub it is a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine"

"So why did you seek MATA's aid?" Agent Dayang asked, at the same time tapping in a few keys preparing to take notes if necessary.

The man then began explaining

"It's about my daughter, she's.... peculiar to say the least." getting a nod from Agent Dayang Mr Yaakub continued.

"She's born different and I'm hoping your organization can help....fix her."

"What is that needed "fixing"?" Agent Dayang asked, her curiosity increasing so as her confusion.

"She....switches personalities at times and.... is rather unstable to put it lightly." Mr.Yaakub's expression faltered a tiny bit from the calm earlier. Dayang took notice and motions the man to continue.

"She will behave my terms "normal" as in cheery, happy-go-lucky and genuine kindess but......" the man trailed off, looking away for a moment before continuing.

"She tends to act.... chaotic. Sometimes...... she will pick up sharp objects and injure living beings *sigh* like animals and people." Dayang notice his nervousness and breathing slightly off but nodded along. The man continued.

"I believe she has a severe case of a multi-personality disorder."

"And have you met a specialist psychiatrist?"

"Yes but she.....*sigh* she...." Mr.Yaakub hesitated but he took a deep breath before continuing.

"She murdered them....." He said blankly, with a tad bit sadness in his tone.

Dayang was taken back by the words. She began typing in the information and stopped once finished. She told the man to continue.

"They somehow triggered her "other" self unintentionally and before we knew it all of them are nothing but corpses on the floor with blood and organs spewing out. The hospital decided to report this as an accident to cover up my daughter's.....deeds."

"One of the staff recommended your organization to me to see if you can fix her."

"I see....we have dealt with several health conditions that require optimum treatment but we have never encountered something coming even close to your case." said Dayang with her hands typing on the holo-keypad.

"However...." She continued.

"We will try our best to find a solution but I cannot guarantee success due to her being one of a kind circumstance." Dayang spoke in honesty, feeling worried and pity for the man.

Ejen Ali: The Yandere CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now