Chapter 8 Not a Training

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They raced through the busy streets of London on a motorcycle. Aleks was shouting directions to Toni's ear, holding tightly to him. But as they got closer to Hounslow Heath, they could already see the thick smoke hanging over the nature reserve and the red and blue lights of fire brigade services.

Toni parked his motorcycle beside a police car, removed his helmet, and jumped off. There was already a crowd of onlookers gathered behind yellow tape.

"There was some sort of explosion."

"They said it's a gas leak."

"In the middle of a park? What a load of bullshit."

Ignoring the speculating crowd, Aleks pushed through people and crossed under the tape, flashing her badge, while Toni dutifully followed her. His sister might be smaller than him, but she had confidence and bluntness, making her much more efficient in handling challenging social situations.

A tall police officer blocked their path. "You can't get any further. The fire is still raging there. We must wait until the fire brigade signals it's safe to proceed."

Aleks frowned and flashed her badge once again. "We are from GSO. If you have a problem with fire"─she pointed with her thumb at Toni─"he's your guy. Now let us through."

The policeman looked at them with narrowed eyes and then turned on his radio to check with his superior. Aleks rolled her eyes and tapped her foot impatiently. The man blinked several times, looking from her to Toni and finally nodded and sidestepped, letting them pass.

The cold autumn air suddenly got hot, and the orange blaze illuminated the sky, darkened with thick smoke. Several teams of firefighters tackled the quickly spreading flames, but as it's been a while since the last time it rained, the dry grass in the park was an excellent fuel for wild flames.

"Alright, let's get to work." Toni pushed the sleeves of his varsity jacket up to his elbows and walked confidently toward the raging fire. He heard fearful shouts of firefighters trying to stop him, but he knew Aleks would handle them. His sister often asked him how it was possible that fire did not burn him. Toni raised his hand, and the flames eagerly jumped onto it. They were not hot but comfortably warm, as a mug with a hot chocolate at just the right temperature.

He closed his eyes and let his mind expand, feeling all the raging flames surrounding him. The fire did not harm him because they were the same. Toni had an advantage, though, because, being human, he still kept a sharp mind and could force his will onto the force of nature.

The flames stopped their rampage and slowly started withdrawing, backing toward where he stood. He inhaled as more and more blaze surrounded him, and his body absorbed more and more heat. It was exhilarating, like having a shower with water so hot that your skin was prickling, but it still felt good. He could hear surprised shouts from astonished onlookers, but hopefully, this close to the inferno, it was only firefighters, not the general public.

When the fire subsided to smoking embers, Toni opened his eyes and shook off his hands. His fingertips tingled, and his breath was heavy, like after a sprint, but those effects would only last a few minutes. He did feel the fatigue, though. Absorbing the flames and controlling and igniting them took much of his energy.

"Are you alright?" Aleks appeared at his side, her eyes searching his face and arms for any signs of injury.

"Never better," he replied with a grin. He noticed that more GSO agents were already on site, talking to the police and firefighters, ensuring that all supernatural aspects of the incident were under wraps.

"Then come on, let's see the body." Aleks grabbed his elbow and dragged him through the scorched plain towards the now visible crater. Like in the Underground, a charred body lay in the middle of the hole.

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