✩ understand - isaac ✩

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mentioning of ed's and use of harsh language!
also this is gonna be a long one

The car ride from the restaurant was full of random conversations. Everyone always had something to talk about, whether it was from a random video they saw or a funny moment that stuck with them. Everyone was talkative tonight, besides y/n.

She was stuck in her thoughts, her phone in her now slightly shaky hand. The Group just uploaded a video that day, and the comments weren't very supportive of y/n's outfit choice. Some comments were calling her slutty or whore-like, others were commenting on her weight and how she has gained a few pounds.

Usually she doesn't feed into the hate she gets, but lately she has noticed how they are always focusing on her weight. She didn't think she even gained much weight, she hasn't thought much about her weight in years. These thoughts even consumed her during their time at the restaurant. She barely touched the food, taking bites here and there.

Her thoughts were broken when she was nudged by the person to her right. She looked up at the taller with a questioning look. Isaac's eyes were filled with concern and worry. Her cheeks had small tears streaming down and her eyes were slightly red. She quickly wiped her face and acted as if nothing was going on in her mind, quickly joining the other's conversation.

Isaac continued to keep an eye on her. He helped her through a lot, they were the bestest of friends. He could tell something was wrong.

When the car parked and the others started piling out, Isaac and Y/N were the last ones to exit. Isaac took this opportunity to ask her what was going on, taking her by the hand and leading her away from the front door.

"Do you need somethi-"

"What's going on with you? and don't try the 'i'm fine' bullshit with me n/n." he states, now lowering his hands to hold hers. "You have been off in your own world for the past week. Oh and don't think I haven't noticed your eating habits lately. Is it somehow back? I thought it all went well! You promised me that it was over."

The last couple of words brought the tears back to her eyes. She didn't mean to make him worry, and to hear the slight disappointment in his voice when he brought of her ed just made all of her emotions rush at once.

She leaned her head into his chest and sobbed, all of her sadness and pent up everything finally releasing. Isaac wrapped his arms around her and held her tight, rubbing his hand along her back. It was like that until her sobs slowly became hiccups, when she finally decided to look him in the eyes again.

"I'm so sorry. I-It's just lately it seems everyone and their mom decided to leave harsh comments! Even today! only a few hours after we posted and so many comments are about how I dress and how I gained weight! I can't ever win!" She bit her lip and looked down at their shoes, messing with her own fingers. "I just want to please everyone and I can't seem to do that. I can't seem to be the thin barbie girl they want me to be! I can't seem to be pretty enough or smart enough or even friendly enough'"

Isaac gently grabbed her chin, making her look up at him once again. His heart broke seeing her like this. He just wanted to take all her pain and burn it. He went to speak but was cut off by her voice.

"I'm so sorry Isaac, I know that what happened years ago affected you too and I don't wanna repeat that. Please understand that i'm trying to-"

She was now cut off with Isaac's lips on hers. She was shocked, this wasn't the reaction she was expecting, but she slowly began to return the feelings. He pulled away and cupped her cheeks, making their faces now inches apart.

"I understand completely, n/n. You don't have to fully explain yourself. I just want you to not shut me out, I wanna be by your side through everything. I promised you that. I feel like i haven't been doing that lately. I now want you to understand that those people do not mean anything to you. The only people that matter are your family, your friends, yourself, and me." He looked into her eyes and gave her a questioning look. "understand?"

A small smile formed on her lips as she looked into his eyes. "I understand, Isaac. Can I ask you something though?" He nodded in response and moves his hands back down to hold hers once again. "Are you the one that stole my chapstick? Also, how long has that kiss been on your mind, huh? Is that a new tactic?" He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck.

"The kiss did take your mind off of everything, right?" She crossed her arms and looked at him. "Yeah yeah but that doesn't answer my first question." Isaac awkwardly smiled before running inside, darting to his room. "So it was you! Isaac that was like $20!!" She screamed as she ran after him, almost kicking his door down when he locks it. "Why I oughta kick your ass when you open this door! ISAAC!"

He smiled and crossed his arms, laughing at the y/n he truly knows.

a/n - i'm baaack! I finally found motivation to write, but it's so took forever to find something to write about but I have more planned so expect more updates! ~ moe

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