// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕥𝕨𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪-𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 //

694 40 18

hiraeth - part twenty-eight


       Vegeta landed on the yacht, looking around. He spotted Bulma, rushing up to her as he panted, grabbing her shoulders. Bulma looked up at him in surprise, smiling.

"Vegeta! So you decided to come after all!" Bulma said as she hugged him from the side. Vegeta pushed her away, confusing and annoying Bulma as she glared up at him. But the distraught look on his face worried her, making her step back from him. "Vegeta? Are you alright?"

"Is he here?" Vegeta asked, looking around, trying to spot a particular guest. Bulma raised a brow, wondering if Vegeta were alright in his head.

"What? If you mean Goku, he's not—" Bulma was cut off as Vegeta grabbed her wrist, pulling her to the side to speak privately.

"I'm not talking about Kakarot! I already saw him, he's hopefully not going to be here for a while. I'm talking about—" Vegeta cut himself off as he noticed an odd shadow on the ground behind Bulma. He shoved her behind himself, but as he looked once again, the shadow was gone. "What? Where—?"

"Hello, prince Vegeta." A deep voice said from behind them. Both Bulma and Vegeta jolted, whipping around. Vegeta's eyes met a pair of bright yellow, feline-like eyes. His dark purple ears twitched as he smirked, the tall sphynx cat placing his hands on his hips. "Long time, no see, Vegeta. I'm sure you remember me."

"L-Lord Beerus..." Vegeta stammered, sweat-dropping as he stepped back, pulling Bulma with him. Bulma looked between the two in confusion, ripping her arm from Vegeta's sweaty grip.

"Who is this? A friend of yours?" Bulma asked, looking the purple cat-like man up and down. The man, Lord Beerus, looked surprised at her assumption, before smiling. He took her hand, giving her a polite kiss as he looked into her eyes.

"That's right, I'm an old friend." He said, standing up straight. He cleared his throat, smirking. "How rude, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Lord Beerus, and this is my attendant, Whis." He gestured to the tall man behind him, a man with pale blue skin. He smiled, waving at the two.

"How nice, I didn't know Vegeta had friends this polite, or any at all." Bulma chuckled. "My name's Bulma, I'm Vegeta's wife. I'll leave you two to catch up with Vegeta, let me know if you need anything." Bulma said, stepping back from the three. Lord Beerus nodded, turning his attention to Vegeta as Bulma unknowingly abandoned him.

"Prince Vegeta, I am aware of a Saiyan that defeated Lord Frieza with something referred to as a Super Saiyan. I am in search of a particular Saiyan with deity-like powers, known as the Super Saiyan God. You wouldn't happen to know anything about this, would you?" Lord Beerus questioned as he looked out over the ocean. Vegeta flinched as he twiddled his thumbs, shaking nervously.

This was what King Kai's warning was about. King Kai had sensed the awakening of the deity known as Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction. A deity ranking even higher than that of a Supreme Kai, someone who no one could contend with. Vegeta's job was to get Lord Beerus off Earth as fast as possible.

"N-No, no sir. I've never heard of anything like that. I don't have any kind of power like that, so I doubt Kakarot would either." Vegeta spoke. He gasped, covering his mouth as he realized he had accidentally mentioned Goku. Beerus perked up, looking over at Vegeta with a smirk.

"Kakarot? And who is that?" Lord Beerus asked. Vegeta whipped around, chuckling nervously as he avoided looking at Beerus.

"K-Kakarot!? I didn't say that, I don't know who that man is!" Vegeta stuttered out, nearly screeching in shock as he realized he had now referred to Kakarot as a man. Beerus hummed as he raised an eyebrow, looking over at Whis. Whis chuckled, looking into his staff.

𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕒𝕖𝕥𝕙 // 𝕘𝕠𝕜𝕦 𝕩 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣 𝕩 𝕘𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟Where stories live. Discover now