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Neither me or Brad had much actual work to do today. We introduced ourselves to Kate, and I gave her some advice on what content to create as it was previously my job. Then, we walked around the track to find some good recording spots, including spots amongst the fan areas if we get lucky on the day. Ally also gave us a few script options for tomorrow's practice, and a base script for the second practice which will be altered depending on first practice results. She also introduced me to her stylist who's got outfit options and make up ready for when I have to go on camera.

We ended the day going to the Hôtel Du Castellet for food. All of the staff have the option to go there for food, so the team have gone there to end the day. We'll have to get going back before it gets dark though, as there's hardly any street lights on the way back to our hotel.

Everyone had stripped off their work uniform and got into their own clothes; if this wasn't a 5 star hotel, we'd all be in tracksuits. Half of us are asleep at the table, whilst the rest are chatting away. I try to get involved in the conversation with Brad, but I feel like my head will hit the table in exhaustion at any moment. After Brad's news this morning and then having to prepare for tomorrow, the last thing I want to do is talk. Trust me.

"Hello Hello!" An Australian voice comes from above us, and a hand lands smack bang on top of Brad's head. "What's this new hair cut?"

Everyone laughs at Daniel's reaction to Brad's new haircut. The Aussie runs his hand over Brad's buzzcut, and Brad sits there accepting his fate. Everyone has commented on Brad's hair cut, we were now just waiting for the driver's reactions.

"I didn't realise we hired Eminem?" Daniel continues to roast Brad, who eventually whacks him off. "Lando, come see this."

I look over to see Lando coming over. I hang my head down momentarily, feeling myself going pink. I rest my head on my hand as he comes over to Daniel, not even phased by Brad's new haircut. He gives the table a nod hello, then his eyes land on Brad. Lando frowns, then Daniel gets the cameraman to turn and face the driver. It only took a couple of seconds for Lando to go bright red in attempt to hold his laugh back, then he burst into hysterical laughter.

"It's not that bad!" Brad exclaims, causing the table to laugh again. "Fuck sake!"

Daniel and Lando take a seat either side of me and Brad. Daniel sits next to Brad, as they seem to get along strangely well, and Lando sits beside me. My nerves hit the ceiling as he takes his seat, tucking in next to me with a drink in his hand. "Long time no see."

I can't tell whether he's joking or trying to say that as a cover. "How've you been?"

"Tired." Lando admits with a smile, his eyes locking with mine. "You?"

As I look at him, all I can think about is what it would be like if the situation with Lewis at Mercedes happened again with Lando instead. I can vision us slowly falling apart now, an argument destined to happen when we're within a couple of feet of each other. "I'm ok."

"I don't believe you." Lando says, taking a sip of his drink.

"It's not exactly something I can tell you about here anyway." I say under my breath, nodding to Ally who's right in front of me.

Having Ally sat right in front of me and Lando isn't the greatest idea, and just bad luck on our behalf. She gave us a weird look when Lando decided to sit down next to me- he clearly didn't see it- and she keeps scowling at our tattoos. Not only that, Ally's done with working for the day, so she can go through all the social media she likes. You remember what's on the social media, don't you?

"Why?" Lando asks, giving me a frown.

I roll my eyes, giving up on him being discreet and leaning in towards his ear. "Charles' yacht party is all over social media."

helmet love // 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐬Where stories live. Discover now