Chapter 2 -Niko

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As I was walking down the stairs to go meet her my mom stopped me and said who are you going to meet I said oh a girl I will see every Wednesday then she asked me what her name is I said Emilia then she said I think you have a crush ❤️❤️ I said no I don't my face is a bright pink color and I just kept walking away my mom said bye I said back bye mom I walked out of my house and then she texted me and of course I texted her back and then we met up at the park it was 11:00 pm so it was really late Emilia was living in a apartment with her roommates Mattie, Carter, and Livi all four of them lived in the same apartment together Emilia had her own room but she didn't sleep unless someone was in there and the park was close enough to her apartment complex so we walked to her apartment complex and she went to go get changed and then I asked if Carter was home she said yes he's in his room so then I walked to Carter's room I knocked on his door and he said who is it and Emilia walked by then she just opened Carter's door so she asked him if he had any spare clothes to lend me he did and then he threw me a t shirt and some shorts and a sweatshirt so I went to put them on

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