part two

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The first time Jungkook saw Taehyung Kim was a passing glimpse at the White House, when he'd been on duty and Taehyung had been walking with the First Lady through one doorway and then the other, and out of the space he'd been stationed.

It was his temporary post before he was going to be sent to the college Taehyung had chosen to attend. He was one of five agent's selected for undercover work, posing as students. He didn't see Taehyung in person again until their first day in class. It was precautionary, to make sure there was no recognition from the subject.

His job was to become Taehyung's friend. To get close, and protect him from inside his circle. He wasn't allowed to let Taehyung know his true identity; it could compromise both of their safeties. Jungkook had agreed to the assignment eagerly. He thought it would be simple.

He hadn't counted on feelings. Hadn't counted on Taehyung being so much more than what the file on him said. He hadn't thought his natural beauty could shine more from the beauty Jungkook discovered radiated from inside out.

He hadn't thought it through. Hadn't taken Seojoon seriously when he warned him not to let himself get too attached, to keep himself at length because Taehyung was an easy person to like when you got to know him.

He hadn't counted how crushing it would be to see the complete and utter betrayal and devastation on his face when Jungkook had put him in that car and said those three words that shattered the fantasy he'd been living in.

He had fucked up, and it was killing him. It had barely been two hours since he'd deposited Taehyung in the car and watched it drive away.

With Taehyung safe, the President safe, and the threat neutralized with the investigation beginning, he had been ordered to meet with Senior Agent Park at the President's residence.

He was about to have his ass handed to him, he knew it. Fuck. He couldn't calm down. He couldn't get the look Taehyung had given him out of his head. He was going to lose his job. He was going to be taken off his detail, maybe worse.

He showed his ID as he entered the residence, and was met with judgment and scorn from his colleagues. He expected it, but it still sucked.

Seojoon was sitting in his office, reading a file. Jungkook assumed it was probably his. Seojoon was his direct supervisor, Senior Agent Park. He dropped the file on his desk and glared at Jungkook.

"Do you understand the gravity of what you've done?" He demanded.

"Yes, sir," Jungkook nodded.

"No, I don't think you do." Seojoon shook his head. "Do you know why one of our most important rules is not to form personal relationships with our subjects?"

"Impaired judgment, sir," Jungkook responded automatically.

"That's exactly right. Your assignment was to become a friend. The rules had to bend a little for you. But you assured me you were ready for this, that you could maintain distance. You failed to do so. Can you tell me the other reason why we don't form personal relationships with our subjects?"

Jungkook was at a loss.


It was so obvious, and shame and guilt curled up inside of him.

"Trust. Because if they can't trust us, we can't protect them to the best of our ability. Do you know what you've done? Broken that trust. So now what should we do to rebuild that trust he had in us?"

Jungkook had no answer.

Seojoon sighed. "The reason you were accepted into our ranks, and rose quickly, was because of your impeccable record, your legacy, and commitment to the job. We believed you would follow in the footsteps of your father and grandfather, putting the nation above yourself. But I can see now that we put too much trust in someone green."

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