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Many of wattpad writers are writing for free. We have lives outside of this community. Telling me to update faster isn't going to make me update faster. It'll make me block you, because I hate being pressured.

Happy reading though! Hope you ADORE this chapter 🧍🏻‍♀️

Happy reading though! Hope you ADORE this chapter 🧍🏻‍♀️

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I WAS LOSING my mind.

Every second felt like a year, and every lost second was a second closer to losing two of the people I cared the most about in this world.

Milo was as useless as his cut off dick. He passed out, not before he'd given that twisted attention-grabbing sentence.

I wanted to end his life, right then and there, but at least one of us was thinking straight, and Sebastian managed to get me off him before I did something I regretted.

I had so many plans for the bastard, and he wasn't allowed to die so easily.

''Calm the fuck down, Elijah, we will find them.''

We were outside of the cottage, and I smashed one of the cars until it was unrecognizable. The deep anger and agony weren't something under my control, nor something I wanted to control.

''How do you plan on finding them? They could both be dead as we speak!'' Yelling wasn't helping, but I didn't care.

''While you were busy smashing that fucking car, I found two sets of keys on him. They're the same as the one for this cabin, so they're probably in the woods.''

And Sebastian was right.

They were so close by that we were wasting time with Milo.

He went after Celine with a few of his men, while he told me to take the other side with another couple of people.

I was running, searching and not stopping. There was no second to spare, and my mind was only focused on finding Freya.

Celine was a tough girl, and she would be okay. She was trained to handle situations like these since she was a teenager.

''Come on, Freya.'' I said out loud, ''Please, be alive.''
I didn't know how long we'd been in the forest.

I didn't know which direction we came from, nor where we were heading. I was going in blindly, and as stupid as it was, it was the best option.

Coming up with a game plan would've taken way too long, and there was no time to spare.

My whole world came crushing down, for the millionth time in such a short amount of time.

I came across a cabin. I didn't think twice before I broke the door, rushing inside. If I could describe how it would potentionally feel being stabbed in heart, it would be this. Piercing pain shot through my chest, as my lungs seemed to have collapsed.

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