PLEASE BE AWARE. THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS DESCRIPTION OF AN ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP. you can skip it if it makes you uncomfortable, i understand ❤️
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DOCTOR MAYA ROWAN was sitting across from me. She had a notebook in her palms, a clean sheet opened as she watched me. Nothing I could pinpoint was visible on her face, as she kept it blank, yet warm.
Her long hair was pulled into a neat ponytail, and her jewelry was kept minimalistic. She wore a matching blazer and pants, with a silky, baby blue blouse that was tucked in her pants. Maya looked extremely beautiful.
''I was surprised to see you on today's list, Freya.'' She said, ''How have you been?''
Cora made the arrangements for me to see Maya again. Of course, she didn't bother to tell me, she only brought me outside of the office. The feeling of shame and dread was mixed, and I was afraid of seeing her again.
''To be honest,'' I said, my hands were shaking slightly and I tried to hide it. Immediately, her eyes flew to my palms before they settled back on my face, ''These past few weeks were really rough.''
Maya nodded her head, ''How about we go back to when it all started?''
I paused for a moment. I was reluctant to do this, as it could undo everything I had done in my therapy sessions thus far, however, it's been a long time since I'd seen Maya for the last time, I truly had no idea where we left off.
''Would it be terrible to start over? I want to go back to zero, but if you think it's going to be worse for me, then I can just answer the question you asked.''
''Well,'' Maya said, ''Once everything is over, it won't be bad. But it might be rough on you to go through all the terrible memories again. If you're ready to do that, and if you're completely positive you want to do it, then I don't mind.''
''I'm sure.''
Maya smiled. She stood up, threw the notebook in the trash can, and brought out a new one, before she sat down. ''Tell me your favorite childhood memory, Freya.''
It threw me off guard. I didn't have to think about it too hard, as I knew what it was. ''My birthday parties. I am one of the lucky girls. Mom and dad always bought those bouncy castles for me. They were always some sort of disney themed, princesses changed each year. They brought clowns, princesses and even ponies for the kids to ride. As I got older, the themes were not as childish, but it was always the day of the year I anticipated the most.''
''And do you think you would hold your birthday parties as such great memories had it not been for the bouncy castles and princesses?''
I didn't miss a beat, ''Yes. My home was always filled with so much support and love, and I was truly the happiest child growing up. Nothing could compare to the adoration my parents showed me every single day.''