Togaru Kamakiri

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Another day another victim. My next one is going to be one of my closest friends Kamakiri. I'm expecting that he going to give me a verbal lashing and might threaten my life and maybe my family's as well if he's extra pissed. This is going to be a fun one.

*5 hours later*

Okay Nevermind it wasn't fun at all. I'll elaborate, when I went and scared him from behind I was under the impression that he'd have a typical reaction to getting scared but no he tensed up and sprouted blades all over his back and miraculously I managed to avoid most of them with one getting extremely close to my neck which if I didn't move in time would've either decapitated me or cut my jugular. Anyway one of the blades managed to pierce me in my thigh and it hurt a lot so Kamakiri carried me to Recovery Girl and now I'm fine.

So I would give Kamakiri a -10/10 do not scare him unless you have a death wish!

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