3. The Ball

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The dark room had windows but behind them, it was as black as the night sky but without a single star. Rows and rows of racks were placed around the room, filled with dozens of dresses in all kinds of colours. A few candles were lit against the wall, sending a gloomy light over the dresses. I was still standing in my satin pyjamas, but I didn't feel cold, it was actually rather warm inside the room. I grabbed a poker next to the extinguished fireplace and held it protectively in front of me.

"H-hello?" I called out, my voice shook a little. "Is someone here?"

It was silent for a moment before the sound of shuffling footsteps came closer. An older woman with silver hair that reached her lower back came bustling in. She was small, probably reaching below my shoulder. She was wearing a black and silver dress, that seemed like it was from the medieval ages.

"Ah, you arrived." The old woman said without looking at me, her voice a little hoarse. "We don't have a lot of time, you're late."

"How did I get here? Where is here ?" I demanded, still holding the poker. The old crone glanced up for a moment. My grip on the poker tightened as the woman's cat-like eyes fell on me. She wasn't human. "Stay away from me."

"You can put that away, dearie. I won't be the most dangerous thing you will meet tonight." She said with a grin you would call evil.

I swallowed and was surprised my voice didn't shake when I asked again. "Where am I?"

"You were invited to the Ball, and you accepted the invitation, correct?"

"Uhm- yeah."

"So, here you are. We should get you ready, you are already late."

"But where am I?" I pressed.

"Everything will be revealed tonight." She said as she shuffled to the dresses.

What the hell was going on? Where am I? Why had the old crone cat eyes and was dressed in a medieval dress? My heart was pounding but still, I lowered the poker in my hand. "How did I get here?"

"When you accepted the invitation-" She took a dress from the rack, glanced at me for a minute, going over my features before putting it back, muttering something inaudible. "It created a portal that brought you here."


"I can't give you any more information. I'm not allowed, nor do I want to. But you have a choice, you can leave at any time." She waved her hand and a portal appeared next to me. I could see my empty, dark flat before me. But just like I couldn't throw the letter away, I couldn't take one step forward to my familiar home. There was something pulling me in, something guiding me to stay here and go to this Ball. The portal and my flat disappeared and my head snapped towards the old crone. There was a grin on her lips, but it wasn't sweet or mischievous like she knew I wouldn't leave and couldn't wait to see what horrible things would happen next.

"Here." The woman trusted a dress in my arms. "Get dressed."

I glanced at the black dress in my arms. "Uhm - where should I get ready?"

"You don't have enough room?" She raised an eyebrow at me. "Come on, we don't have all night." She snarled as she looked out of the window. I looked too but it was pitch black as before, nothing to see.

Taking advantage of the fact that she was looking out of the window, I pulled off the top and pulled the dress over my head. It was strapless with a sweetheart neckline. It wasn't entirely black as I thought before, the bust was underlined with gold, and the top of the neckline was golden all around to the back. The dress flowed to the floor and was particularly heavy. Just like the dress of the old woman, it was something that was worn hundreds of years ago. I pulled off my pyjama bottoms and tossed them aside, but not before I took out my phone and placed it in my bosom. When I looked back, golden sandals with heels were standing in front of me. When I slipped in my foot, it was a perfect match.

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