Chapter Twenty-Two: Belle Reve

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Belle Reve, 5/20/15, 11:43 PM

    Deadshot slumped back in his seat in the white concrete walled room along with the rest of the surviving Suicide Squad.  Scarecrow sat to his left and Poison Ivy to his right.  Across the room sat Killer Croc and Harley Quinn.  Floyd sat with his hands resting on his knees as they were handcuffed.  He still remembered the burning street after Black Adam had destroyed it.  He remembered as Mr. Freeze gave out his last breath.

    "Listen up!"  A voice yelled suddenly.  Floyd looked up as the door slid open to reveal Amanda Waller walking in with two armed guards at her sides, "The Justice League is here and they want to question you all.  They seem to think my operations were harmful."

    "Yeah because blowing up a street wasn't that bad."  Floyd snickered, "When are you gonna just blow our heads off to get rid of the evidence?"

    "Sadly I can't do that now that Captain Atom, Martian Manhunter, and Shazam are here.  Black Canary is leaving as we speak, but I think she might want to stick around to see me one more time."

    "So what do you want us to do?"  Scarecrow asked looking at Waller with a grin, "Lie?"

    "I want you to tell the truth."  Waller ordered him, "The Martian can tell if you're lying." 

    "And if they get angry at us?"  Poison Ivy asked.

    "Then that's your problem not mine."  Waller snickered holding up a small device, "Remember, at the click of a button and bam!  Done."

    "Quite the-"  Deadshot began, but was cut off by alarms.

    "Shit!  Find out what's-!"  Waller began yelling, but the doors slid shut, "All of you up!"  She disabled the squad's handcuffs with the device.

    "Attention."  The voice of Hugo Strange came on over the speakers, "This is not a drill.  We are under attack by unknown forces.  All personnel move to secure prisoners and defend against hostiles.  I repeat all personnel move to-"

    The speakers cut off and the lights shut off.  Darkness overtook the room.  Strange to think that anyone of the prisoners could jump Waller now and escape, but none did.  Curious that none tried it.  The backup generators activated turning on scarlet red lights.  Waller quickly punched in a code into the door opening it.

    "Come on all of you!  MOVE IT!"  Waller barked and the Suicide Squad did as she said.  She led them through the winding halls of Belle Reve till they reached their armory.  The whole way Deadshot heard gunshots and explosions going off far off in the prison.

    "Why did you bring us here sweet-cheeks?"  Harley asked with a confused look.

    "Since Belle Reve is designed to protect it's inmates and not those attacking from outside.  You are all going to be going on the defensive to defend the prison."  Waller explained as the group armored up, "If you refuse then you'll be killed.  Simple enough."

    "You really trust us that much?"  Floyd asked with a grin, "Surprising Waller."

    "No of course I don't trust you, but I know you all like your heads so you'll do it.  Now go!  Eliminate all hostiles!"

    "Aye sir."  Deadshot grinned as he strapped on his eye-piece.

    He led the way as the guards rushed through the halls towards the commotion.  They reached the outer perimeter of the prison to see tons of guards firing against tons of black vans and trucks parked near the fences.  A huge truck came barreling through the fences as the squad reached the area.  The figures in black followed close behind.  Deadshot widened his eyes as he recognized the group leading the charge, it was Wyvern.  The assassin group working with Lex Luthor his former employer.  Were they here for him and the others captured?  If so, they would be in for a surprise when Floyd would begin shooting at them.  Then Lex Luthor would have him killed for sure.

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