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I was suked in the laptop with the rest. Suma asked where we were. 

Guesta responded, ¨We were probably somewhere near the Blue Room somewhere on the internet.¨ 

Suma quickly spotted something blue like a blue building. We deduced it was probably the blue room. It was not very far away by walking. We quickly made it to the blue building and we entered it even though we didn't know who was waiting inside we entered with no fear at least I did. Now inside it wasn't just a blue building it was more like a blue mansion everything looked like it was made out of ice there was he blue couch and a blue chair a blue table everything was blue. Suma was nervous; she was fidgeting with her dark hair while Guesta looked more confident while ruffling his blond hair. From what I knew about the Blue Room it wasn't going to be easy to get Tasir back. I knew there would be something stopping us and because of that feeling I have I quickly told the others we should find some kind of weapon. Guesta was a little confused but he made Suma seemed more sure about the decision. 

Blue Room: First AdventureWhere stories live. Discover now