Chapter 7

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"How far do we have to-" Danny is cut off by a shot of ecto riffle, knocking him out if the sky. On the other end, Maddie Fenton blows the smoke from the Fenton Bazooka.
"How dare you hit my son!" Vlad yells.
"You have a son!?" Jack cries as he shoots another shot. This if course, misses completely.
"Yeah I do!" Plasmius cries.
"That's just plain insanity." Jack responds. Danny Phantom gets off the ground and fazes through the ground.
"Such a rich vocabulary!" Vlad says gleaming. Maddie and Jack look at each other questionly, just to be hit in the back with Danny's plasma ray.
"Freak Show you stay here and keep watch." Sam instructs. They stand in front if the Fenton portal. Jazz searched the entire house and couldn't find her parents so Operation-Bring-back-Danny was a go.
"Everyone know the plan?" Jazz asks.
"We go into the ghost zone and try to convince any ghost we see to help us go against Vlad." Tucker says. "It's not the Manhattan Project you know." Jazz rolls her eyes as she climbs into the Specter Speeder. Sam, Tucker, and Wulf climb in after her.
"Wulf," Sam says sympathetically. "You better stay back. We need as much room as possible." Tucker translates and Wulf growls in disagreement. Everyone glares at him and he whimpers out of the rocket.
They shoot through the portal, Jazz screaming.
Let go of me you foul, putrid self aware piece ectoplasmic creature." Maddie cries. Vlad has them tied up in a plasma chain and attached to seats in the Circus Dark tent.
"I'm so sorry, my love." Vlad coos. "But it's for the best." Vlad smiles a cheesy smile.
"Blah blah blah." Danny says fazing through the floor. "If you need me I'll be over there, hurling."
"Hm," Maddie questions, "where have I heard that before?"
"Can't we go already?" Danny complains.
"Patience child." Vlad responds.
"That's all you've been saying!" Danny extends his arms to exaggerate his point. "It's now action time!"
"Son please. You must not!" Vlad rebutted.
"That's it! I am going." Danny leaves the tent in a hurry.
"Gah! Teenagers are so infuriating." Vlad complains.
"You have no idea." Jack agrees. "We have this one daughter, Jazz who thinks she's an adult and we have this other son, Danny-"
"Jack," Maddie says. "Let's not try to talk to the evil ghost that captured us, alright?"
"Ok. But Maddie you must know this is the Wisconsin ghost. We have history!" Maddie sighs.
"I know Maddie." Vlad flys close to her. "Jack is impossible!" Maddie frowns in disapproval.
"Where first?" Jazz says, looking around like a tourist.
"Um, I don't know." Tucker says, his hands firmly on the steering wheel. "Where did all the ghosts go?" Sam says.
"LOOK OUT!" Jazz yells. Sam and Tucker tense up.
"BEWARE!" The box ghost cries. "For I am the box ghost! I have power over all containers, cardboard and squares!" Sam, Tucker and Jazz laugh in amusement.
"Hey," the box ghost flies closer to the ship. "Where is the one the always stuffs me in that cylindrical container?"
"You mean the Fenton Thermos?" Jazz says.
"Not the point!" Sam growls lowly.
"You mean Danny?" Tucker says.
"Yes!" The box ghost cries, pulling his hand over his head and making "scary" fingers.
"Well..." Jazz looks at Sam and Tucker and beams while the two face palm in shame.
"Ah," a low voice growls. "The prey has come to me this time."
"BEGONE!" The box ghost cries. "For if you stay, the hunter will surly contain you in a metal box of DOOOOOOM!" And with that, the annoying ghost leaves.
"Skulker!" Jazz cries. They turn the ship around.
"Ah so the prey is hiding. How I love to play this game." The ghost touches his hands together malevolently.
"Well..." Jazz looks and Tucker and Sam again.
"Listen Skulker." Sam yells over the loud speaker. "We kinda need your help."
"So the prey need the assistance of the hunter. Again, I might add."
"Well," Sam continues. "It's more the prey's friends. You see, Vlad-"
"Vlad is in on this." Skulker says. "I'm in." He fazes and sits down in the back seat.
"But- but you don't know what w-we are asking." Jazz stammers.
"If Vlad's involved then I'm in!" Skulker commands. "You will explain on the way! Let's get more ghosts!"
"If you don't mind me asking," Tucker says as the flew off "what happened to you and Vlad? I thought you worked for him."
"Not since he replaced me with that girl." Skulker makes fists with his robotic hands.
"Valerie?" Sam and Tucker laugh. "Wow."
"Just. Drive."
"Let's see." Danny laughs as he re-enters the tent. Through the ceiling, landing silently on the ground.
"What are you doing!?" Jack screams as he sees that Danny is holding a box from the lab.
"Framing that no-good punk you use for entertainment value." Danny grabs the ecto-covered junk and places it in the ground, inside barrels and even under the elephant's hat.
"Why are you doing this?" Maddie asks.
"Because I want to. And I can!" Danny flys closer to his parents. "'Cause I'm a ghost!"
"Why you piece of-"
"Temper, mom, temper." Danny laughs.
"Mom?" Maddie asks surprised.
"Why I was under the impression you knew." Danny flys back and two white rings appear. Before they even separate Vlad tackles him.
"What are you doing?" Vlad yells.
"Messing up my life." Danny says, his eyes beaming red. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

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