Jamie and Harry

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When I saw this pic I flipped because these two guys are my favorite and to see them together omg my heart melted and I almost died. He he he I had a life before both of them mainly one direction
A/n got that from my bestie Erincullen0 she says that she was happy before one direction and now she is just sad.

Anyway if you could meet Jamie were would it be and what would you do.

Don't even think about it you nasty fools.

I want to go and see him in concert. I heard he was really funny. Im following this guy that went and saw him and he was in the front row and Jamie poured water all over them.

Lol go check out the video and follow him on instagram

So would you like Harry or Jamie.

Please Comment and vote.......sssmmmiiillleeesss

The life of Jamie. (Fan fiction of Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now