The dark

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"Jamie Jamie!" you shout.
You finally realize your eyes are open and your in a dark room. "Jamie!" you scream once again. You hear struggling noise in the corner. Then the curtin on the window is pulled back, the light streaming in from the moon onto a tall black figure.

Something long moved in his hand and reflected the moonlight. Suddenly he was moving closer and was now on top of you. Sharp cold metal was placed at your neck.
"Please don't!" You shout at the figure.
Shut up Abby because no one can hear you.

"Abby Abby abby!" You hear and come back to your senses. You open you eyes to see Jamie holding you and telling you its going to be ok.

As he wipes away tears from your face he says "wanna tell me what happened."
"No" you say scared of what he'll think.
"OK but why were you screaming for me?
"It was just a bad dream that's all." You tell him bluntly. And you just lay there with Jamie while you cuddle and he kisses you once more.

Dot know if you guys like this or the way I used to do it.............sooo comment and vote,and tell me.

The life of Jamie. (Fan fiction of Jamie Campbell BowerWhere stories live. Discover now