How Ethan got us a Babysitter

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   "Mom! Tell Jane I'm not going to watch that stupid vampire movie with her," I yelled while racing down the stairs.

   "It's not stupid! At least I'm not adopted," Jane spat back.

   "Jane don't say that," Mom said. "Your brother is just as much family as you are."

    "Yeah, and I've been in this family longer than you brat," I said sticking my tongue out at her which she returned.

   "Alex don't call your sister a brat," Mom said. " And if you don't want to watch Dusk with your sister, you can hang out with your brother and Benny."

   My eyes widen at the sound of Benny's name. "Benny's coming over! He'll burn the house down. Do you remember that weekend he stayed over when you, Dad, and Jane went to Grandma?"

   "Hey! Don't talk about Benny like that," Ethan butt in. "It wasn't his fault the chair caught on fire!"

   "Alexander don't talk about your brother's friend like that," Mom warned. "Watch the movie with Jane or hang out with Benny and Ethan but I will not continue this argument."

  "Fine, I'll watch the stupid movie with Jane," I grumbled, slumping down onto the couch. 

  Mom set up the movie for Jane and I made the popcorn. I set the popcorn on the coffee table and went to say goodbye to my parents at the door.

  "Make sure Jane is in bed by nine and Ethan's in charge," Mom explained.

  "You forget to put Jane to bed one time," I grumbled.

 "We love you, bye," Mom said as she and Dad left.

   Once I see the car pull out and drive away, I join Jane on the couch as she starts the movie. We're about thirty minutes in when Benny shows up. I ignore his and Ethan's stupidity at the dining room table. I continue watching the movie when I start hearing thuds outside. From the looks of it, Jane hears it too. I take a sip of my water as I listened closer, confused on where the thuds were coming from.

  "Hey Ethan, do you hear that?" Jane calls Ethan.

  I look back, Ethan is shoveling marshmallows into his mouth with Benny. I sit up and Jane looks at me. The same question in her eyes. I nod.

  "Teenagers really are dumb," she says to both me and her doll Abby.

  "No, just those two," I say pointing back to Ethan and Benny.

  Jane grabs my hand, and we sneak outside. "Stay close," I instruct as we followed the noise to a redhead boy shooting balls at our garage with a hockey stick.

  "What are you doing," Jane says sternly.

 He looks over at us with annoyance. "What does it look like I'm doing?" he says, returning to hitting the balls.

  "Trespassing," I say, annoyed.

  "Why don't you two make like an egg and beat it," he says with more annoyance.

   "I'm gonna tell my big brother," Jane says, obliviously talking about Ethan and not me.

   "Really? I'm so scared," he mocks. "Pfft, I've seen your both of brothers, they may be older but they're not big."

   "Offended," I add gesturing that I was right there.

  The boy then grabs Abby out of Jane's hands. Jane gasps as the doll is taken, we watch as the boy shoots the doll into the garage door saying "Fetch". I fix him with a glare before Jane grabs my hand and we run to get Abby. Jane grabs Abby and we turn back to the boy only to see his stick topple to the floor and he is nowhere to be seen. Jane and I slowly walk towards the hockey stick, cautiously. We get to the end of the driveway and look up. Then something falls in front of us. A shoe, his shoe. Jane and I start screaming as our parents pull into the driveway.

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