The Weirdest Week of My Life

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    "A babysitter, for you? Classic," Benny says, teasing Ethan.

    Ethan shushes him. "Keep it down, man. This kind of info can totally ruin a guy's rep."

    "I don't really think you need help with that," I added. I was overly aware of my brother's dork status.

   Ethan sent me a glare before continuing. "And it's not for me. It's for Jane and Ace."

   I'm taken aback. "It's not for me either, totally for you. I'm older than you Ethan." I glared back. "And you still sleep with your nightlight on."

   "It's a star projector!" Ethan defended, his voice raising a bit. 

   "Glorified nightlight," I deadpanned, giving Ethan an unamused look.

   Benny laughed. "Oh, on the positive side, one of these primo high-school babes will totally be at your house tonight," he says eyeing girls as they pass. "Hey hot stuff," he says as one passes.

   I rolled my eyes as Ethan smacks him. "Dude!"

   "What!" Benny yelped defensively.

   "All I know is her name is Erica and she goes to this school," Ethan explains. "With any luck, I can talk my parents out of it by tonight."

    "Like that'll happen," I mumbled to myself, earning a glare from Ethan.

  "Hey, Principal Hicks!" I hear someone call. "Let me give you a hand."

   I look over to see Jesse Black walk up to Principal Hicks as he hangs up missing kid posters for that boy from the other night. I felt my heart flutter as I saw Jesse. I'd had a passing crush on him since my freshmen year and even into Junior year it was still going strong...but other than passing acknowledgment he had no idea I existed. And now he was dating some girl in my grade named Sarah. 

  "Ah, thank you, Jesse," Principal Hicks says as Jesse holds his coffee for him. "Much better," he says as he finishes hanging the poster.

  "Anything for our fearless leader," Jesse says sniffing the coffee. "Do you mind?" he asks before taking a swig. "Ah, French roast."

 "French Roast," Principal Hicks repeated, dazed.

  "Good choice," Jesse says.

  "Good choice," Principal Hicks repeats, still in that dazed monotone.

  Jesse hands Principal his coffee with a grin in our direction. Me, Ethan, and Benny all send acknowledging smiles back before he walks off with his friends following. I follow him with my eyes, noticing him looking back at me as my face heats up.

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