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    Was Felix thinking when he pulled into the driveway of the house Hyunjin told him his family owned in town? No, he wasn't.

   It took him two days to remember the place and only two minutes for him to convince himself to get in his car and go.

   Getting out of the car, Felix walked up to the door.

  He hesitated when he went to knock. Why did he hesitate?

  Maybe Hyunjin didn't want to see him. Maybe Hyunjin was mad at him for getting him involved with all the messed up crap with Sammy. Maybe Hyunjin didn't feel the same way he felt.

   It all ran in Felix's head.

   But then another thought ran in Felix's mind.

   He was always there for me…

  He knocked a couple times and waited for someone to answer the door. He was a little confused when a woman answered the door, but he quickly realised who it was.


   The woman was confused, "Yes, I am Yeji… who are you and how do you know me?" She asked.

  "Oh, I am a friend of Hyunjin's… I heard of the accident and I wanted to check up on him,"

   Yeji pursed her lips, "I'm sorry, but Hyunjin isn't having visitors right now, you should leave,"

   "Wait, can I please just see him for a moment?" Felix asked.

   "Look I don't know who you are and Hyunjin at the current moment is not in the best state. A lot of people would love to see him right now, myself included, but it is what it is, so leave," Yeji stated.

  Felix's mouth fell open, his fingers beginning to pinch the skin of his right arm.

   He had to remind himself to breath.

  "Ah, okay. I should go now," Felix said quickly.

   "Wait, I never got your name,"

   "My name?"

  Yeji nodded, "So I can tell him you visited,"

   "Oh, it is Lee Felix," he said.

   Yeji's brows drew together, she let out a small gasp when she finally recognised the name.

   "You're that Lee Felix," She said softly.

  Felix tilted his head, "What?"

  "Lee Felix with the cute freckles, Lee Felix that has a deep voice. The angel as Hyunjin love to call who he is enamoured with. The Lee Felix he kept mumbling about in his sleep,"

   Felix didn't know what to say. What was he to say, honestly?

   "I'm sorry Felix, I would let you see him, but he isn't doing well," Yeji said apologetically.

   "Did something happen with his father?" Felix asked.

   There were limits to what Yeji could talk about with Minho and Chan, but it seemed that it was different with Felix.

  "No, not that I am aware of. I just know he hasn't taken his meds and that he was in a bad car accident,"

   Felix pressed his lips together and nodded, "I know that he probably won't want to see me, but can I please try to talk to him?" He asked.

  "He's right, you are persistent. His room is down the hall second door," yeji said opening the door further.

   Felix nodded.

"Felix, if there's one person who could possibly get through to him, it is you,"

The younger gave her a smile and nodded.

   As soon as he made it in front of Hyunjin's door he felt nervous.

   Knocking lightly, he waited a moment and opened the door.

   His heart broke when he heard Hyunjin soft crying, the light that filtered into the room allowed him to see the older who was curled up in a ball. His eyes welled with tears.

   "What did I tell you, huh? I am always here for you," Felix said.

   "Go away, Yeji," Hyunjin muttered between cries.

    Felix walked to the other side of the bed and sat down, he held Hyunjin's hand gently.

   "I'm not Yeji,"

   Hyunjin looked up at the younger, his cries becoming a little harder. Letting go off Felix's hand hand, Hyunjin pulled himself up slightly and captured Felix in a hug.

  "I swear if this is my mind playing tricks on me…"

  Hyunjin was quickly cut off by Felix placing a soft kiss on his lips, "It not your mind, darling," Felix said softly.

   Hyunjin's bottom lip trembled as more tears fell.

  "You're a jerk, Yongbok,"

   "I know…"

    "Why'd you make me love you? It has been so difficult to be away from you," Hyunjin cried, holding Felix tighter.

    "Don't leave me again," Felix whispered.

  "I had too… it was my fault what was happening… I couldn't let him hurt you because of me,"

   "It wasn't your fault, Hyunjin… none of it was. One thing hurt me and it was the fact that you blamed yourself and that you left. I love you so much,"

   Hyunjin was still crying and the position they were in wasn't the best.

  As Felix pulled away, Hyunjin whined.

  "Where are going? Don't leave me, please," Hyunjin said crying.

  "I'm adjusting, darling,"

   Felix laid in the bed and gently pulled Hyunjin down.

  Hyunjin's head was on his chest just above his heartbeat. Their hands were intertwined.

   "I don't think I realised how dependent I became on you…" Hyunjin whispered sniffling.

    "What do you mean?"

   "It was different to not be with like I had been. I hate not being with you,"

   Felix pulled Hyunjin closer.

   "I think we are dependent on each other,"

   Hyunjin hummed and squeezed Felix's hand softly, "I love you," He whispered

   Felix kissed the top of Hyunjin's head.

"I love you," Felix mumbled.

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