4: Trap

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Kim Nari

His promise fades away just like the sunshine did with the sun setting behind the horizon. He told me he would just look around and return before sunset.

Where are you, Jungkook?

It's been over two hours now and that's too long for just simply looking around. The leaves of the huge towering trees sway with the breeze and sharp sounds of insects pierce the air as I look around for Jungkook. My heart pounds as I call out his name.

"Jungkook! Where are you?"

With the networkless phone's flashlight, I wander back and forth, leaving my sketchbook and other art supplies abandoned on the massive rock I had been sitting on while sketching the surroundings. His absence fills me with uneasiness.

"Jungkook?" I call out his name repeatedly but no sign of a response. He'd be okay, right?

In the midst of my anxious search, a rustling sound in the bushes startles me. I turn in terror. "Jungkook! Is that you?"

I freeze in terror. Fear ties a tight grip around my neck, preventing me from approaching the bush and confirming his presence. I'm not a hero of the fictional show capable of fearlessly investigating the source of the disturbance. That bravery is bullshit in real life. Hell, no one is that brave.

Should I go near there? What if it isn't Jungkook? I don't think it's him else he would have screamed, right? Maybe just a little rabbit? But what if it's him - lying injured, unconscious, and unable to scream for help?

You need to do this Nari. You can do this. Go Ahead!

I step forward, each step feels like an eternity of torture. My pulse throbs through the veins and I can hear my racing heartbeats. The dry leaves crumbling under my feet scares me more with each step. But I reach. Finally. My hands tremble as I attempt to part the bushes, only to get startled and fall back.

"Sh*bal!" ("F*ck "in Korean) I curse under my breath. "That f*cking little rat!"

My breath becomes heavy but at the same time, I'm relieved because there isn't any unconscious Jungkook. Still, where is he? Startled and frustrated, I keep searching for him. Yet, I don't find a single trace of him, far far away.

"Jungko--" This is probably the hundredth time I called out his name when a fierce scream deafens me with a sudden panic attack and fear.

That's Jungkook's voice.

Without wasting a moment, I sprint toward the source of the scream. My flashlight guides my way, piercing the darkness with bright light. My breathing worsens as I continue to run. Soon a faint light glitters, drawing me closer to where Jungkook is. I rush with hope as soon as I see him through the darkness.


"Noona, STOP!" Jungkook's voice cuts mine, crying out loud but it is too late. I have already stumbled into a trap and a deadly scream leaves my throat. A scream of pain and terror. I hope I didn't wake any wild creatures if there were any.

"Noona! Are you okay?" Jungkook's voice trembles with concern and pain.

I try to get hold of myself. What happened? I squeeze open my eyes and find myself fallen on the ground with my left leg trapped. "Not really. Is your leg trapped too?" I manage to ask, my voice straining every bit of energy left in me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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