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District One: Aquatic District

Easily the wealthiest of all four districts and favoured by King Raegal, the Aquatic District is home to all sorts of (as the name would suggest) aquatic hybrids and species, including Merlings, Axolotlings and Sirens.

The district is all made up of an incredibly large city named Iyrens with a raised circle at the centre that the royal family's palace sits upon.

(Characters living in the Aquatic District:

•Scott (Merling)
•Etho (Half-Merling)
•Grian (Avian, part of the Vaelorin royal family so he lives in Iyrens)
•Joel (Pufferfish Hybrid))

District Two: Avian District

While this district isn't strictly made up of Avians, the majority of its population have Avian heritage, so it is known as the Avian district.

Anyone with the ability of flight (Avians, Avian Hybrids, Draconic Hybrids, etc.) may live in the Avian District.

This district, contrary to the Aquatic District, is made up of multiple small villages and doesn't appear to have a capital city.

(Characters living in the Avian District:

•Jimmy (canary hybrid)
•BigB (cardinal hybrid)
•Skizz (dove hybrid))

District Three: Hybrid District

This district, as the name suggests, welcomes hybrids of any sort.

It is split into around four large towns, each representing a different 'element' of sorts that a hybrid might live in. Some tie in with other districts, but hybrids may be unwilling to live in certain districts and choose to live in the Hybrid District instead.

(Characters living in the Hybrid District:

•Cleo (zombie hybrid)
•Scar (elf)
•BDubs (Floran hybrid))

District Four: Underground District

This district, 'fondly' nicknamed 'Hellhole' by the other districts, is where the outcasts of the kingdom live, in a large cavern system underneath the other districts that is rife with poverty and crime.

As well as outcasts from the other districts, people such as demons and Blazeborns (and, as it is rumoured, Watchers and Listeners, although they are fairytale creatures) live there as well.

(Characters living in the Underground District:

•Martyn (Merling/??? hybrid)
•Pearl (moth/??? hybrid)
•Impulse (demon)
•Tango (Blazeborn)
•Mumbo (vampire))

(I know it's a LimLife AU but I threw Mumbo in there anyway)

Anyways wooooo Scott/Martyn AU :D I'm a traitor to Flower Husbands I know but also

Scott and Martyn <3

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