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practice didn't last long after Han came back. we had three performance songs and only one of them we had to use at the audition. it was a tough choice we didn't want to do anything with excessive rapping maybe somethingg with more vocal but at the same time we wanted something that could blow everyone away. it was getting closer to the end of the day the afternoon sunlight seeped into the room. one by one the members left  the room ,tired and hungry making their way to the living room once again,with a huff Hyujin plopped himself on the sofa relaxing into the soft mint green blanket splayed out messily on the couch. There was a rummage I'm the kitchen the sound of mutiple things falling.

"I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH ANYTHING!" A couple of shushing noises followed the yell quieting the area. The scene of Minho pulling jisungs ear followed by Seugmin and Jeongin ,facial expressions grimaced in slight terror.The  oldest of the three troublemakers whined in pain his right ear turning red in pain as Minho dragged him out of the kitchen. Releasing the poor Squirrel boy Minho turned to face the makneas."who said you can enter My kitchen" As if fear compelled them both Seugmin and Jeongin pointed to jisung throwing him under the bus. " Oh come on it's not even your house I live here and I go in the kitchen when ever I want" the squirrel boy pouted ,he was hungry and bored not having the fact he wasn't allowed in the kitchen even though he lived in the giant house .

"Well you know very well what happens everytime you bring the makneas with you into the kitchen be lucky you didn't break any of Chan's crockery or worse the alcohol cabinet, i would kill you that cabinet because it was fucking expensive and in any case I would prefer if you didn't bring them with you ,although I trust Seungmin more than you ,when you guys are together it is a total recipe for disaster." Running a hand through his hair Seungmin fixed his thin framed glasses so they sat neatly on his face. "Well thank you Hyung but I'll be on my way if this is all you want from us" the younger left with Jeongin following in suit. The sound of mismatch footsteps clicking against the floor faded away. Minho sighed in frustration. "you can use the kitchen now just dont bring them with you." the amount of times jisung wanted to hit minho over the head with a bat is more than you can count with hands . the older really knew how to get on his nerves it no longer surprised him . Minho had this wickedly irratating but enchanting aura about him. Not even thinking twice the younger decided to leave journey to the kitchen for another time. Dashing away from the crime scene.

Entering the familiar corridor Jisung swang his room door open something felt wrong a surge of mana clung to his nerves . walking further into his room the feeling grew stronger.

where is this energy coming from? han thought as his eyes roamed around the room,his sight skipping over the sleeping blond laying on his bed. Why. Why was there magic in his room? And why did it feel so god damn familiar? Nostalgia. This feeling bothered him so much it was like when you don't remember something but you know you were forgetting about it but not exactly sure what it was. But it still felt like it was ment to be there. Han groaned in annoyance stamping his foot to ground , kicking a chair. The loud sound of something wooden falling onto the floor rose to his hear. " Oh crikey, I did not just do that." Jisung stated in a whisper wanted to slap himself for being ignorant of the person that was asleep in his room. It would just be his luck if he had woken the poor boy up.

With a slight turn of my head I looked over at Felix he seemed to be asleep although maybe a little cold too he didnt event have a blanket covering himself. Inching closer to him i gave his shoulder a soft poke.....and then a double poke......and then a triple poke. Just to be sure he was really knocked out. I reached over the bed for one of my cotton blankets. It was fluffy and soft like a cloud, crimson in colour with gold embroidery on the top. Quickly opening the blanket I dropped it over the blond covering his body. A sigh left my lips. I couldn't help but stare at him he was so........... pretty. So dainty and doll like. His skin pale but his adorn freckles looked like stars of the night sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2023 ⏰

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