[WARNING: this book your about to read features cursing, hardcore MLG, Wired fetishs, sexual things, triggering! If you get offended so be it YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!]
Welcome! This is my guide!
Person: No, Wow really?
-_- Get a life.
Person: right back at' cha
*rubs temples* Anyway welcome sorry about the interference, some people can't keep there mouth shut. *Digital glasses fall from the sky and land on my face*
*MLG stuff starts happening*
But wait did you see that? *zooms on my face* *Illuminati triangle on my forhead*
*pauses back to regular boring lyfe*
So I just wanna say-
BEN: Hey digi weres the dam-
AHHHHHH! *Noscopes Ben*
But wiat waht happen if bne is no kill?
*Noscopes Ben again*
Now bne is kill.
Sorry got carried away there guys ;-; anyway please vote enjoy the book.... Much more MLG were this came from.