Chapter One

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"Come right up and try your luck!" I kept shouting trying to get more people interested in the game.

"Wow look how pathetic she is working at Six Flags I feel bad for the people who had to hire her." Oh my god she will not cease to find and harass me. How have I not moved yet?

"Bitch shut the fuck up that didn't even make sense."

Oh that's why I haven't moved yet. I have the greatest person in the world for a best friend... Jesus nahhh I'm just kidding her name is Sage.

'We met when my mother died and I was six and I came to school crying. She was new to school but I didn't know I couldn't see through all the tears. She just came up to me and asked me what's wrong I told her and she said "Well then until you meet your mother again I will step in and do my best to protect you from everything I can. I will even learn how to fight for you! I hereby pronounce you bae for life." Everyone clapped and cheered for me I know it sounds really strange to me to now that I remember it. I mean we even kissed on it on the lips. For some reason there was also a shortage of teachers. Best day of my life.'

"Earth to Ellie you have customers that want to play."

"I'm totally paying attention. I'm like so focused right now."

"Hotties at ten o'clock!" She whisper yelled in my ear.

"So how may I help you your hotness I mean sir." Wow nice going I totally aced that.

"Well I came here to purchase three tickets to the vampire show."

"Alright then that will be thirty-six dollars unless you have a discount coupon. Plus this isn't the place where you buy those. You might want to go over to the person with the sign that says 'TICKETS FOR SHOWS SOLD HERE' it may be a little more useful. Since I'm behind a game counter."

It was pretty funny since Sage and his friends were trying not to laugh but miserablely failed. Is it normal for men to look like beets?

"Alright alright I was just using it as an excuse to talk to you!"

"Wow really I feel so like privileged for you to want to talk to me I mean I have no friends what so ever you like totally brightened my day! Sike! Dude fuck off I'm not in to you. And why the vampire show?"

Everyone was silent except for Sage who was now laughing uncontrollably.

"God damn see this is why I don't talk to working girls they don't need a man to depend on."

"Well if you want someone to depend on you I'm free." Oh my god Claire is like a motherfucking mosquito always bothering people. Maybe I should just swat her with this dart. No lets not do it in public.

"Yo Ellie we can leave since your shifts up ." Man I'm so lucky to have a person like her.

--------On The Way Home----------------

"Sage I know this will sound crazy but I want to kill Claire."

"What I thought you were going to say some shit like I'm moving to Vatican City to become a nun since your such a horn dog."

"What! No! Your all I need to keep my hornyness in check. Good that your not surprised by me wanting to kill her. You wanna help?"

"Hell yea! I always wanted to take up murderer as a job!"
"Ok then we need to make a list! But first lets listen to some pop to get us in the mood!"

------At Sugar Babies----------------------

"Ellie you'll never guess whats happening on Monday!" Sage said.

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