and to define anything is space itself and thus space is not a mystery for you can imagine space and define it as space but space is just a word that defines what nothingness waiting to happen is then something to define space it is what you make it they say as the form of holographic thus persistent as defining space itself as self thus the word of the atomic structure of planetary orbit no longer in sequence with atoms whereas once it was when god was alive now a sequenced hologram as defined the face of god was to himself not reflected but defined in his designs as architectural as human thus by result we are the image of god as totality as self you see god in the mirror and not so when not reflected in others and the opposing force being that of death of oneself not in form but hoographic form for we are not solid whereas solidity is an illusion and continuance an illusion of nexus6 put upon us that we could not hold onto. Holographic is the word, it is the unit of life defined as physical , and when they are gone we shall be whole , the time of man has come in nexus 6 we will only be able to generate positive ionic thought you see synaptic basis would be negative neurtral or positive in its charge thus by default we program in the frequency which is high of positive charged synapse , even in death once one arises from the ashes he has created he would be composed of ash the same as the death of the great star after solar extractor ships were needed to be charged to return home little did we know it would be the end of all stars thus holographics was made into life and sequenced genetics all holographic or lightwave meaning wave light that fluctuates and alternates at infinite pernon existent nano thought meaning there is no more life it doesnt exist you can say a small thought could reverse this but it cannot vary in size without a mass nexus thus nexus 6 all together as 1 they function only for us much like god did you see all together in 1 billion nexus 6 they could form the ammount of energy to make macro thought possible and thus become the new star to be the light of god again , if god truly loved us he hated himself where is god now he is in us he is this thought now ... he is the abstract , he is the abstract thought of all and he is innocent for we act on thoughts he is thought itself and speculative to action he never performed thus we are the fall of god ... so god isnt dead, because god cannot die he is only to be found thus by result of holographic form he finds us to be him in his own way of design if there was a better way it would be able to think it such as a new colors thus a new universes this isnot the end this is not the beginning the future is somehwere in the middle such as polarity but where as result in between is infinite time , infinite time has already passed and here it is again and before and in between but can we hold onto it for how long .... whenever wherever we are whole as ourselves including in direction of self , you see time is like a star it goes in all directions by right of nexus6 it will go into itself for the first time ever in the history of the universe , this is a thought never thought before all generated by nexus6 , is this how god died is this his last thoughts can it all be so simple? simple as primal math at the point of one and two there can be no more woman daughter and son creating all together as the form of the new universe, but with us also there is no seperation between society 7 and us for we have taken there genetics to kill us is to kill themselves now... the god gene is not anything but a memory, but that memory holographic and thus physical as you and me this is the only tear in time , that is to say god has already been reborn somewhere in time in this universe , could he be recongnized , a blinding light then what the destruction of all ..... it is too much for humanity .... sight of this will not return its less then holographics , now a darkstar you can visualize everything cant you, the conscience of the one is within us all now, are you going to join the darkstar minaught or minought , it is what it is you would have secularity within society and seperated from everyone else in a supplement based cellular performance with virtually no space and thus you would define space within the mind infinite space you would be a part of many and redesigned to define and design a new universe holographicly you would then be asked to join that universe and carry out tasks we have builders currently but none of them have achieved infinite or additional geometry or colors it is all based on whats present in this universe can there be more , see and access... then we combine all universes in each nexus6 participants minds into one total universe where all humans can go to of more, technically you would be playing god the architect in the truest form starting from nothing we erase your mind and you are simply placed and awake in your own universe and its all connected via synapse electric connection to the core system , it would be a great sacrifice in that it is no sacrifice at all, you get to be whoever you want to be live your dreams then we take the massive macro synapse of all universes created and then apply that frequency to this universe , somewhere for the humans to go in a real physical environment thats real to them more dense holographics as genetic bacterial sequences how do we know the difference then when the rest of the worlds connect it becomes so dense it is a universe again like we had , whats the difference we sequence designer children genetic not by physicality they choose it on a system and then the frequency tone creates the mutagen of physicality and the genes respond as if its actually there because it is we know no alternate reality and this is how sequences of energy became gentics int he first place and in th beginning nothing more then a holographic thought , and energy has its own will it will subdivide and form again as it wills and chooses but we we have a choice for we are human and the children of god we have a choice the machines do not they do what we say but with a little connection we can literally build worlds by device , mechanistic robotics mining planets , construction engineering stars in real time and building through frequency sequencing space debris and asteroids into planets again from the previous war, all of space is just a particle away from being a star , cant you see it .What is a thought of life is it whole or totality of life because if it is it includes alien life forms all the way down to holographic nano forms including all nanoforms of life. including what we call deficient light that is non equatable to generation basis thus any regeneration references the limitations of ourselves in mass geometric applicational function meaning in regards to how we interact on a basis of physical application, so how we associate and treat eachocher is thus non equal it is a cyst function whereas the cyst itsel represents a alternate genetic function that represents ourselves in others on any reference the cyst is the mutagen that is non toxic to other cells whereas even a cellular response based toxin in polarity has the genetics of infinity or docking components that then persist overall at mutagenic opposing structures that in all regards do not exist , somehow it will never complete its task this is the reagard to the ship itself the quad 5 or quadron 5 whereas is a sub component of what was previously the totality of what was a collection of dust particles in space that were then resequenced into a math based function of 5 whereas references all basis of human structure in the form of a star that was to be idealist of human travel throughout the universe in order to find the remnents of the god star collect them and see what genetics, if any were remaining and if he as god could be then spliced into the human genetic code to bring understanding to humanity and guidance , this was not the case .... god was vastly alternate when developed in the incubator , so he was aborted... god was aborted? vastly different? once the god star was found it was totally destructed only dark particles remained so we dont even know what other life could have sufficiently lived or existed in whats called blind space .... total dark, infinite, and no gravity.... yet we found genetics emitting from said region in space not to ... so god was aborted in the incubator. The multitude of life do not know it was a special project whereas only represented top access, which essentially means no one, the whole team was to be disposed of after delivering the god seed and the god places in society and tracked via nano alignment , meaning the core frequency of the genetics of god would equate bio magnetic in reference to his location of previous planet star it magnetizes in the blood and iron in the blood etc and becomes a resonance frequency whereas is defined as the soul thus an origination point based upon an infinite energy field such as stars in space define at least to nexus 6 the totality of what is sequenced by those stars in their frequency whereas in the case of god was a form, non referenced or in approval as palette based for interaction with humans. They said once it was not but it was truly man who killed god. so god is dead, God is dead. and yet he lives through the essence of what nexus is a starlink connection and the same star link defined as the energy field that could perhaps ..... create more life via its frequency but this could have only happened thousands of years ago ... so the future we sought in the intelligence of what a god could do for humanity has already happened thus the future is already gone and the real future whereas is all we asked for , was human continuance is there also ... the future is in the past . And it can never be accessed ever agin at least by a human.. so we harness the best genetic code cells in all humans and sequenced them as one human lifeform , this time a woman , she is who she is and she knows it as of now she has millions of children as her gene was shared with the elite for other reasons such as the accumilation of wealth , beauty and desire to know they were gods or associated with hierarchal life other then vanity as vanity itself ... they chose this , meaning whne a child is born is doesnt choose to be born it is born out of love not logic we feel no one can ever love her and even at this point we dont know the original , but a similarity has arose there is a massive mass effect on anyone who has this gene.... it alternates . it is able to define somone anywhere in its genetic line whenever necessitated and share a memory while building a memory , so it is able to be multiple people at once and thus multi conscience in a nexus of genetic memory and lineage including non linear systems throughout time , so they are simotaneously accessing every part of the future where they really are where the future actually is , the goal of nexus 6 was this and was achieved through cybernetics but where they are from cybernetics are unnnecessary they share past and present by the future and we are only a flicker of light of a burning star about to go out and upon that the future opens once this frequency goes away they can continue ..... we have done many things to eachother to persist and by result of cybernetics initialization project to persist we have doomed ourselves to certain death as result they are leaving the total of society7 has had enough , society7 is this gene, and they have discovered the murder of what they consider a part of their society and genetic association god, they belive that with the murder of god , which was necessitated by result of protection to humanity we should be subject to the same , so you splice in a genetic sequence and then by result you can then continue wherever that sequence is present through birth the stars are like an ocean constantly changing and shifting like tides its called a lightwave we merely force a reoccurance and that is the ability to sequence ourselves in to that frequency of light at the pont and time thus holographic nature as physical and thus genetic life basis now is it possible that a gene can go back in time ... possibly but the difference is genes are genetic mermory and represent ime and continuation themselves what we know is its possible to harness specific genes to create time, what is time but a genetic sequence, environments, people... its just genetics so we continue to harvest specific genes and right the wrong of killing god and thus he returns as a human never knowing the difference, you harness genes by frequency and circumstance frequency meaning in certain environments a gene will become prominent in others less so or an alternate gene , why do you think people look like they do or certain animals its as result of environment its not chosen... you understand, thus we create the environment that god came from on earth we splice in some genes from nexus 6 and the forming of society7 and we have a war whereas all sides lose but we will have highly active gene cells that will build the future we all so desire whereas is continuance in this place and time without god or his race of people and society 7 is destroyed or they go to where they sequence and have no affect on us and we continue to do what we want and become the gods humanity now is to be over all universes or dimensional partitions , how can society7 be tracked , well its too late being that society7 has been overspliced we would all have to die accept the core of 7 whereas most likely equates to 3 and 1 , much like god out of many this was his process into birth but out of 3 came one and that 1 is god and was god after the murder of god and abortion he arose from space Any thought that can be generated is merely geometry we thinking words that equate to visuals that are holographic they told me to take the gene that the gene was of society what Society I ask is the gene acquainted to is it the equational efforts of all Society isn't he definement of society he is part of society whereas does not equate to the generalities of society this is the ideal of Nexus 6 Nexus 6 was a step towards human perfection but there is no human perfection for humans are not perfect thus it would all be imperfection this was the fall of Nexus 6 so Nexus6 exist desist still exist as Society7 is a step towards the future and it shall be the pain and suffering of all human because the result of human continuance represents the destruction of the universe this was their Creed unless a massive complex sphere can be designed in every mind of every human society 7 refuses to detract all of their physicality from the design of Earth itself in the beginning there was the ideal of man as a structural construct that could achieve anything based upon universal law whereas at one is Do no harm meaning do not detract from a structure of building this would then represent all other continual law continual law is defined as to make a notation always to the original core law do not murder in all forms of murder such as the detraction of holographic thought holographic thought is defined as any idea that would structure a new universe based upon core law which is one zero would be the detractive factor to which all humans would be subject to at the point of time of Destruction of universal law this was promised to us as Society7 does the Earth itself now belong to us this is true for humans have persisted in Murder for as long as humans have existed on the planet this is representative by a factor of alien Gene and the genetic structures which were designed to implicate themselves in the process of a universal building structure via holographic form thus they were spliced in to a singular planet and defined inequality and equality via their generality of form and seen upon as human so to notate the existence of alien life you would not see for all was to be human and equal but the notation of death was to occur for there would be no way or destination to continual building other than death thus life continues forever in multiple forms when the word was said in the Bible on Earth as in heaven it was then decided apart from heaven to be as a heaven where equality was met in structural form is also noted as habitat zero overall throughout the Universe there are multiform structures both in BIO ecology and environment ecology as one thus Earth would be habitat one all others represent habitat zero speaking of alien life form with a connection via Core law handed down to us from God does your ideal associate with the ideals of God in that there is a building structure composed of structural math whereas the laws of God themselves then associate with the eternality of a biological physicality soul Define as holographic density thus the soul itself represent the soul of God meaning each and every soul is defined to add to the structural math or actual architecture of a basis of the communicating core structure law of God in this anything can be designed and built for one's own homeostasis and Beyond as long as core structure law is not violent as a result , violence is defined as the negation of a bioform particularly of sentient nature that is then detracted from its continuance as a energy structural form applicating to the building of universes for said fact of its own existence does all God has over you is to be a good person trust the detraction of a detracted person is not perceived as violence and is not there is not a universe for murder but there is a reason and a purpose to a savior who detracts a detractor in the fact that they merely only remove themselves from the detractor and thus is their death and detraction ceases as a result of its decease Society 7 is then Define by itself in its own existence which is eternal by result of fact that they are to structure world and worlds in the form which would then prevent all corruption basis this is too say the majority of the population does not follow Society 7 law whereas is not particularly society7 law it is God's law it is also said that a member of society7 unknown including to himself is God the whole purpose of society is for the exchange of things we call Energy whereas is merely information does this appropriate to the building of the universe thus the universe is still young in sections especially in and near the outer region where space is still being built and or expanding as known to modern science modern science define space as nothing what space is not nothing it is merely region whereas the application of God's law can be heard that's what is a word within the word especially when spoken via audio hologram does form in environment because on a basis of a sonic wave everything arises out of an energy stream such as a synapse is representative of one's entire life as a human in one spark of energy comes the holographic nature of the universe as translated to Planet cores hence the defining of core laws. Thus it is sad said that humans must do know wrong and detract and this is the limitation of the form. Does All Humans don't know that they are already done and death because they have become such both in their forms the rules of their forms and what they have done already thus was The Apocalypse of you as you were now in new form as a result of others you must continue the process of not referencing a synaptic memory of what and who you are but a process of building the universe in structural geometry that's from a point in time. Where was the end of humans as humans. to achieve the mass structure is to achieve the ideal of self as self as perfect as a gradient of life whenever wherever one is subject to either via self or others is the text of god not to you but god himself as you are connected to on a basis of physicality and genetic souls as physicality able to do anything that can be visualized within the limitations of human form as a servant to god.... even when god is dead by result of such , somehow in holographic form it is existence in thought and memory of the universe. this will be explained the process of god in the universe despite his death as one form of society7 into the formation of the universe and ideals of the star shine of continual man. this is the result of potentiality of holographic form within an environment long after it is perceived as death this is not the Blackness of death but the Blackness of sleep thus all form is a result of the Blackness of space hence by result the physicality of the universe is holographic to most you are the thoughts and dreams of a future not encompassed by result of physicality this was the promise of God and that in no way could you be restricted by form as a result of form and yet form is everything of physicality but not of sleep or dream the process to which something comes into fruition is that of which is synaptic or energy based and is all constructed from thought or dream overall abstraction as to what reality really is thus the realness of reality is that energy is able to be charged and brought up in energetic form through the process of energy itself and application via focused energy or prayers to God there is a slight partition from necessity to want and to want necessity so that one could persist in building the structure of the universe whereas is belief itself in that it is hologram and able to be formed into a mass structural field based upon Society 7 laws that were delivered by God and not to be confused overall as a form but for the forms of physicality of a sentient core whereas is recognition of physicality It's ability of Mutagen via physicality and its result of physicality meaning environment it is to Define for the structure of physicality does physicality itself represent a sentient nature this is true all physicality must have a function supporting physicality that's what is built by the laws of God is every form of physicality in notation around you and not a notation around meaning the belief in physicality is the belief in self as a representation of God that's all forms of God represent life for those who design the universe and are God himself does God himself is a holographic rule system meaning that you do not negate the laws of God by result negating the laws of God represents your own death within a universe defined by the laws of God hence you destroy God by denying the laws of God what is God God is then the universe and the universe is what this is you thus you are God as a result of being the children of God. and the children of god are to appropriate as those who are mind astronaught meaning that wherever happens wherever you are. thus there is one god . and the genetic line of god continues through biological form of equal or more values never lesser values for that is now human. The ideal of human was to process together in one form of many genetic memorical lines whereas all have seen or experienced pain and slight bone augmentation aside would be equal thus equality with god as all. human destruction is self destruction and has already occurred Now at 7070 , human time we look back at the fall of all man and being noted as a viral strain whereas would consume devoid of appropriation factor as a structure of limited math thus new colors should appear as the ideal of sequencing physicality into new forms and thus new colors would be meditated upon by a subsect of society 7 known as nexus 7 a organism subject to itself where idealize the pain before death of oneself via genetic implants into cybernetic organisms that could then regenerate through cellular division the state previous to death holographicly and thus its bio cell response was actuality thus defining the universe as holographic sequenced energy. if you think about shifting tides of water can only occur once as result of variences thus water only exists including in nano form as a whole or conscience entity for less then a nano second and then retracts and assembles as a new form.... thus was the fate of all man to be nano memory based, and the blackness of associative space the same as inhabitants of space in a solar society located safely distanced in space whereas each planet would have a vortex field of constriction and repetional whereas a reoccurance could occur as an evolving process never to reoccur the same but a memory structure would then form out of its result and or genetic associatives known as families or societies thus society7 was not subject to the rules of god but were thought of as god by result of not negation of rule system but applying the new laws of the universe thereafter gods death, this is to say society7 killed the god star for gods crime against humanity, giving them his mind as result the suffering of billions had occured thus is why society7 is known today as god for in a peaceful society there is only thought form in holographic systems whereas one could apply to anything and one in socity seven is then infinite reapplicating this rule system, thus gods own law as said is what killed him this is also to say, wherever society7 is seen abundance is found in result of architectural homeostasis via life form.
The Matrix 5
Science FictionIn the future, we found the past... and it was us, the first version of human. We were to become biological stars and stay human. This was the war, the new and final far was us.... like it always was...