Chapter 21 - 30

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ʚChapter 21 Two in One

    "Ms. Deng, do you know the person who manages the local houses and land in the town government? I have a house and some forest land in Guanning Town under my name. I have never been here before. I want to see it." Deng Chunhong was surprised, she is a local

    , But I have never heard of anyone with the surname Yun in the town. How could Yun Zhi have a house and land in Guanning Town?

    Moreover, Deng Chunhong also knows where the land of any family in Guanning Town is, and they have lived here for decades. Most of the houses and land in the town are owned, unless... it is that place.

    Deng Chunhong happened to be fine, so she said attentively, "I'll take you there now. The people in the town government should also go to work. The village committee of Guanning Village, Guanning Town should be in charge of this." When we arrived at the office building of the town

    government , Yunzhi, with the help of Deng Chunhong, directly approached the village party secretary and told him about it.

    Originally, the village party secretary was calmly drinking tea with a tea mug, but when he saw the ID that Yunzhi brought out, his expression changed instantly, and he immediately put on his glasses and snatched the ID from her hand to read it carefully several times.

    Next to her, Deng Chunhong asked cautiously, "Wang Zhishu, is that the place?"

    Wang Zhishu took a look at her, took off his glasses and nodded calmly, "Yes."

    He turned his head to meet Shang Yunzhi's eyes and asked: "Little girl, who gave you these lands and houses?"

    Yun Zhi thought for a while and decided to tell the truth: "A man named Fuli sent me the documents by courier, but I don't know him, let alone see him. Yes."

    Wang Zhishu didn't continue to ask, because the original owner of those documents was Fu Li, a mysterious person, as mysterious as the forest land.

    "The homestead and woodland are both on the mountain. It's not easy to go up the mountain at this point. Let me take you to see the house first."

    Yunzhi said, "Okay, sorry for your trouble."

    The house is at the fork of the road entering the town , good location.

    It was a green brick house, which looked like a product of the previous world, surrounded by tall and thick walls, and vines crawled outside the outer walls. Wang Zhishu said that those were thorny wild roses.

    When it blooms in spring, it looks like a wall of flowers. Young people like to go there to take pictures, but they can't get too close, and they can't touch it randomly. Anyone who has touched it has been pricked by rose thorns. Once pricked, an itchy and Painful bag.

    The wild roses crawling all over the wall seem to be conscious, and they obviously cover the entire wall, but they still leave the position of the gate.

    Yunzhi stared at it for three seconds, and got the information of Wild Rose——[Wild Rose (opened), Rosa plant...]

    Sure enough.

    This wild rose is the second plant that Yun Zhi saw that has opened its spirit.

    After the plant is enlightened, it is out of the category of ordinary plants, which is equivalent to not being the same species as ordinary plants. .

    The first plant was in the world she was in before. That plant had only two leaves and looked like a grass. When I got it, it was sealed in an amber. It will give it its own ability.

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