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Finding Rose

Written by: GeekyFang101



ⒻFⓘⓝⓓⓘⓝⓖ ⓇRⓞⓢⓔ

It was a secret, those who I have loved my whole life, had kept. They lied, for almost seventeen years. Finding out, your life is a lie; makes you wonder what else is a lie. It makes you question your self; who are you really? Who were you supposed to be? What would be different? What type of life would you have lived. Finding out, everything I believed was a lie, it made me shut down trust to anyone. I need to find answers. The truth. Who am I?

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After finding out those who she trusted the most had lied to her, Rose entire life, makes her break.  Not knowing who to trust, she runs. With the one who to her is a  stranger, but he knows better, they run after the truth. To find the truth; they have to find Rose.

ⒻFⓘⓝⓓⓘⓝⓖ ⓇRⓞⓢⓔ


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