Chapter One

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Chapter one:

[It's Alright]

"Mikochi, would you like to stay over today?" Suisei asked while typing in her phone. To Miko, Suisei seemed uninterested in whatever she was saying a while ago as Suisei have had her eyes glued to her phone screen all the time.

Is it because I'm boring? Miko thought to herself. Has she become boring in the bluenette's eyes.

Sighing, Miko stood up abruptly, finally earning the bluenette's attention at last. Not only did she earned the attention from Suisei, the other seemed to have looked at her in confusion as well. 'Did I forget to mention? We were having a company dinner' Miko mentally curse herself for accidentally and unintentionally gaining too much attention to herself.

"Mikochi? Are you okay?" Asked Suisei finally putting her phone down giving her full attention to her pink head in front of her; who's still standing with an unreadable expression on her face. "Sumimasen" Miko said as she bow down to her other co-workers and staff before taking her stuff and leave. They were all confused as to why Miko suddenly rushed out of the company dinner, but decided it's best to leave her be for now as she must have her own reason.

To everyone at least, that's the case.. Except for a certain devil.

Towa stood up from her seat and walk towards Suisei. Looking at her disappointed at the scene that just unfolded.

"Suichan, are you just gonna sit there or what" she asked with a hint of annoyance at her bestfriend. Just a couple of weeks ago, Suisei came to her house crying, confessing to her that she's in love with her business partner, Sakura Miko. Suisei finally snapped out of it thanking Towa and excusing herself from the dinner, running, hoping that she could still catch the pink haired girl.

Towa just sat there shaking her head at the bluenette's antic. "Are you okay Towa chan?" Aqua asked as she invites herself to sit next to the purple hair devil. In which Towa just sigh before showing a small reassuring smile, "Yeah, Hoshimachi really is dumb" was all she said before she stood up and leave. Aqua couldn't help but feel sorry, but it's not like there's anything she can do at the moment. They only got close after StartEnd was form too. All she knew is Towa really cares for Suisei, but the bluenette is always in trouble.

Towa and Aqua wanted to help, but Suisei isn't the type to make her friends or love one worried either. They both just need to wait until Suisei herself open up to them.

Meanwhile, just as Suisei's about to gave up, she finally caught up with Miko. But unfortunately, her hope died as soon as it appeared as Miko had already went inside the taxi. She could only watch the back of the taxi grew smaller and smaller. Catching her breath still, she decided to call Miko. Still confused why the pink head left abruptly without notice. Unluckily for her, the call went straight to voicemail.

"Hey Mikochi, call me when you got home safely okay? If you don't I'm going to rush there." Suisei pressed the end button and sigh in defeat. "What happened... I thought we're gonna have a sleepover again." She said to herself looking up the night sky. It was pretty, the night sky was filled with stars, there were no clouds and the moon was shining brightly. Reaching to her pocket, she could felt the small box. Smiling sadly at the thought, 'Was I hoping too much for something that wasn't even there in the first place?' Brushing the negative thoughts away, Suisei went back inside getting her stuff and left for the day.


"Mikochi! Can I come over?" Suisei asked Miko with excitement laced in her voice. "Of course! Why did you even ask nye, you're always welcome!" Miko replied in the same energy earning a laugh from the bluenette. They've gotten closer than before, but to Suisei, she sees Miko more than a friend. How was that even possible? Just a few years ago they were business partner, if it was the Suisei back then, just the thought of her seeing Miko more than that would absolutely be an absurd view.

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