28 ~:~ Not by a long shot Strangers.

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>>> T H I R D P E R S O N <<<

You either receive rejection or hand it to somebody

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You either receive rejection or hand it to somebody.

Cassius' heart hid behind his door chest; he never intended to make Blair feel like she had been that. The first thing he wanted was her safety so the last thing she experienced was danger. It hurt him to hear that she hurt for innocently misunderstanding what he wanted for her. What him and his brothers could give so that she would keep whatever they gave her wherever she was safe.

"Blair... I didn't reject you. Maybe... maybe it's the way I went about getting you to leave for something better. I'm just stubbornly overprotective over you."

Blair understood and appreciated that. "I'm not upset that you care. I didn't know how much I could use your care until you started caring about me. It's just this attitude you have sometimes." He held a scared breath in. "The attitude that sh*t only happens when I'm with you and your brothers, like I can't be happy with any of you if I stayed for even a quarter of a lifetime."

He let his afraid breath go at the accuracy of her prescription of his mind. "All we do is both make you cry and get you traumatized. How can we--I go forward with you every day when I'll just send you ten thousand steps back every hour?" His tears began to wash his cheeks. "Like we said, Blair, you're not nothing. You're not a nobody. You're not just anybody. The possibility of you feeling like you're no longer something or someone is... is high."

"It can be low with you." She held her hand out for him to take in his with everything he had. "You need to quit with the thoughts of 'what if I don't do this' and start with the thoughts of 'what I'll do if I go through that'." She squeezed his shaky hand with her steadier one so his soul could finally take a break instead of being miserably busy. "You wish to guarantee me good all the time, but that's not life's system. Make your own, Cassius, not with restless fear but healthy ecstasy."

He used his shoulder to get rid of his ongoing tears. "How do I do that?"

"Don't reject good things that might become better later."

"Don't reject you, you mean?"

"Aw, I didn't even have to manipulate you into saying it." She warmed up at his chuckle, one of the tickets to good things, to unyielding happiness. "But, yes, if I am a good thing to you."

"I'm certain you're the best person for me." He squeezed her hand this time with regained strength. She beamed. "I promise you I'll give the 'take the good-to-best things by the horns' a try."

"Can you promise me another thing?"

"A million of courses."

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