Chapter 0

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          "He'll have to stay here overnight. I don't want to risk him getting worse." A man's voice calmly spoke.

          The sound of a worried mother chimed in quickly, "So we have to leave him here all alone? I don't want to leave my baby alone like that!"

          "Don't worry ma'am, he's safe here. If anything happens, we'll make sure your son is alright." The male voice spoke again, in reassurance. 

          "Come on, honey. It's a hospital, I'm sure it'll be fine." A different masculine voice said towards the mother, "And if anything does happen, we will also be contacted, yes?" 

          The first voice responded, "Yes. We'll get to you both as soon as we can."

          "If anything happens to my boy, I'm blaming you." The mother exclaimed, as worried as she has been. 

           Rushing feet scurried down the hallways. The muffled yelling woke the small boy in the hospital bed. He slowly rose and rubbed his eyes. The moon cast down it's light through the window into the room, contrasting to the bright halls outside the door. The bed next to the boy's was empty and the door to the rest of the building slightly ajar. His eyes squinted at the bright LED that spilled into his room. He weakly moved to the side of his bed and stood. Slowly making his way to the door. The yelling and Shouting got louder as he approached. Once he started to reach for the door handle, it was slammed shut. Blocked by a medical cart from the outside. He wasn't tall enough to see out the door's window, wasn't strong enough to push the door open. The boy put his ear against the door, trying to find out what was going on. All he would hear was yelling, running, a siren? He was scared. He wanted to see his mom, his dad. He wanted to go home. The boy curled into a ball, crying at the door.

          After a while, the sounds of people faded. The boy's crying was all there was now. He noticed the silence. Wiping the tears from his face, he started to stand and go to the moon-lit window to look outside... the place was basically abandoned from the looks of it. And he was stuck there...

          An overgrown, abandoned hospital on the outskirts of South Park. That's where a boy died around the age of 3. That's the boy who haunts the hospital, who has been, for 7 years. Poor boy was all alone for 7 years. He doesn't explore or chase away the rats. He waits. Waits for someone to finally come back for him. The boy just waits at the window, as he somehow aged and learned as if he was a living body. He knows the place; it only took a month or so to memories the layout of the building. He no longer wants to know where he is. He doesn't want this to be his home, but it is. Yet he waits like a story's princess, waiting for someone to save him. 

(-Hey! I'm sorry for any mistakes in grammar or spelling, and I'm sorry I couldn't get more than this out today, it's my birthday so I was a bit busy all day. But thanks for waiting and reading what little I was able to put out, I'll try to make the next few longer.-)

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