Where Is Your Inhaler?!

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Asthma is a common lung condition that causes occasional breathing difficulties.

BTW: I am not a doctor, so all the information may not be correct.

Jungkook POV:

Hi, I'm Jungkook and I'm the youngest member of BTS. I've always wanted to be a kpop idol and I managed to do it, bit not without hard work. But there is one problem.....
I have asthma.

When I first went to the company and told them about my asthma, they were a little skeptical, but they saw that I could handle it, so I came in. Asthma didn't cause me any problems. Well, I used to have a lot of attacks, mainly due to stress, but now I'm better. A lot of fans don't know I have it and I like it that way. I don't want to feel pitty to them.

Namjoon POV:

Jungkook is one of the most kind and lovely people. He's good at absolutely everything and hard to beat. I kid you not, he can sing, dance, rap, play every sport known to the world...no one would ever think there was anything wrong with him.

Sometimes I feel sorry for him. When I see that he is still struggling with breathing, even my chest tightens. It's hard to watch him like this. But he and we accepted it.

When Jungkook first came to the company he was small and had huge eyes, he was very cute (which still is ofc.) When I found out he had asthma, we were all sure he wouldn't make his debut. But he was strong and showed us that he can do it. Of course, he still needs help sometimes, even if he doesn't want it or doesn't realize it, but he's doing great. He can manage his asthma, the only thing that matters is that he always has his inhaler with him.

Nobody POV:

The group just had a rehearsal before the show, which is tomorrow. They practiced really hard and haven't performed in a long time due to the coronavirus and quarantine. They practiced from morning till night. They practiced their vocals, dancing, rapping and they did great. Of course, they were nervous about the performance, but at the same time they knew they knew it perfectly.

Jungkook POV:

We just finished dance practice. I was really looking forward to the performance. After almost two years, back on stage. Good feeling.

We got home and I went to my room. "Hey Kookie, we're going to order some food. Are you okay with the pizza?" my always worried Jin hyung asked me.
"Yeah, it's okay!" I called back to him. I don't feel like pizza right now, but if others want it, I'll oblige. I laid down on the bed and started thinking about tomorrow's performance.
"What if something goes wrong?" I tried to calm myself down, but I was still a little on edge.

I went to the closet to change and saw something that worried me.
"I'm out of meds. Oh shit...my inhaler is empty." I started to panic. "Fuck, I can't tell my hyungs because I don't want to come off as irresponsible"
"Eh, I haven't had an attack in a long time. I won't have it tomorrow either...I hope,

"Jungkookah, come eat!" one of the Hyungs yelled me.
"Yeah, I'm coming" I ran down the stairs, still a little panicked.
We started eating and apparently Yoongi found me suspicious
"Hey are you okay?" he asked me. "Yeah, yeah I'm just tired, nothing special."
"okay" he turned away and started eating again.

After dinner I went to the bathroom and washed up and went to bed. Given the events, I fell asleep pretty quickly.
I just hope I won't have an asthma attack tomorrow.

Next day

I was sleeping peacefully when the alarm clock suddenly woke me up, which showed that it was 6 a.m.
"Ahhh" I stretched and remembered the events of yesterday.
"It's going to be okay, everything will be fine, only the others must not find out" I tried to calm myself down.

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