XXXVI. A Relationship Repaired

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"Don't do it, child. They'll ruin you," she begs. "They'll take everything you love from you. Please don't do it. Please, please, please."

Startled, I wake up from my dream to find that I'm no longer in my bed. I'm standing in the corner of the room, hand gripping the top drawer handle of the dresser. My heart is pounding in my chest, my knuckles white and my arm sore. The top drawer is where I have stored the Niraki since I first arrived at Freya's Ranch.

I frown, trying to recall more of the dream that led to my little midnight stroll– I've never been a sleepwalker.

All I can remember is Althea's voice and her icy blue eyes as they seemed to pierce through mine with fear– desperation.

As the bits of my dream fade away I settle myself down, noticing the sun barely creeping up over the horizon.

Well, there's no point in going back to sleep now.

I've been away from Noelani for five nights now. I haven't even caught a glimpse of the bloodsorcerer. We're being lodged on opposite ends of the ranch to ensure that there are no accidental sightings.

Five days down, nine more to go. In the end, it'll be two whole weeks without seeing Noelani– that's the longest I've gone since meeting the princess.

Freya has been sure to keep my days busy with training, but night time has been hard and lonely. I haven't gotten a good rest since we've been separated. This recurring nightmare has haunted me every single night.

A knock on my cabin door wakes me from my reverie. I let Freya in with our breakfast. This has quickly become my new morning routine. She hands me a plate full of steaming hot food and a glass of fresh milk.

We eat in silence and I find my mind wandering to Noelani. I wonder what she's doing right now, and if she's been having trouble sleeping too.

I refrain from asking Freya– I've asked every other morning, but she refuses to answer my questions every time.

"You'll be working in the fields today," Freya informs me after breakfast. "I've told my farm hands to make sure that you take it easy today. You need to rest up a bit from all of the heavy training."

I frown, wanting to protest but knowing it's futile. I've quickly learned over the past few days that what Freya says goes. Besides, she has a point. I've been pushing myself hard during training, both physically and mentally.

It's the best way to pass the time– tire myself out until I can no longer form coherent thoughts anymore. That way, I'm asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. At least, that's supposed to be the plan. These stupid nightmares keep getting in the way.

"One more thing," Freya says as we both head for the door. "Ettiana has asked to spend time with you. I told her I would ask you first."

I sigh. I haven't seen my mother in five days either, but I'm not exactly upset about that. Still– if she wants to talk to me, maybe I shouldn't keep shutting her out.

"Okay," I say.

Freya nods. "I'll send her in for dinner. Enya won't be available tonight anyways."

Enya has been having dinner with me every night. All part of the routine– Freya in the mornings, Enya at night, and lunch out on the training grounds with the warriors. It makes the days go by fast, at least.

"Do you spend as much time with Noelani as you do with me?" I ask.

Freya frowns at hearing me ask about the princess again. "Enya and I swap meals," she explains reluctantly. "I eat dinner with her and Enya eats breakfast with her."

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