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"Ugh, I can't  find anything  that connects our new fate to the rest of our theory!" Georgie  told Drea with a groan. It was a little past ten pm and Eden was sleeping in  her bed with Olive watching her as the two adults worked on  getting this story straight. 

"I know we've  literally  been working on  this for days now, and we still  haven't  figured out the tiny bit that is so crucial for  us. " Drea says, looking  at Nala who yawned. That's when  Drea heard a noise that startled her a noise that made her grimace. "Get down!" she calls to Georgie as she drops to the floor by the edge of Georgie's bed. The slightly younger women quickly do the same.

"Dang it, they found  where we live. Pumpkin,  Mira gets Eden to safety  now," Georgie calls, making the  two  get up and run to the room. Nala on the other hand just growls from her spot near the two not happy with the fact her people were in danger.

 Drea quickly  grabbed her gun, handing the extra she held to Georgie. The younger of the two looks at Drea waiting for her cue. 
Within a moment they got into position to shoot. Georgie  watches  for any sign of movement.  "Remember  G, if it comes down to  it." Drea started nervously as Georgie  nodded.

"It's  kill or be killed I  know.." Georgie  says reluctantly. She is going to  get into so much trouble with the law if it actually happened, but she continued  aiming and shooting anyway. Soon the gun fire ceased for just a moment, but Georgie  and Drea didn't  fall for the trick and stayed down. 

"G he's getting closer, and he's not alone. He has a dog with him," Drea whispered almost barely audible in the tense room. Georgie  nods, keeping her gun trained on the outside just in case. "He's gonna break in, and we'll meet him there, I'm going to head around the long way to the door. Nala will be a distraction, you stay here." Drea tells Georgie  already heading out of her bedroom. Georgie  quickly stops her though. 

2"I'm not letting you do it alone," She says, eyes set on helping.  Drea groans but nods she knew she could argue right now. There was no time to. "Nala go!" Drea whispers out and Nala  nods, and goes off quickly, stealthily entering the kitchen area. Drea then turns back to Georgie "Alright, let's  go, b. ut we need to be careful. You go the back way, I'll  go the front. Do you  have my back if he tries to shoot?" Drea asks as Georgie  nods. 

"Always, we're a team now. I'm not going  to let anyone harm you now let's go!" Georgie says as she quickly  heads around the dining room area as Drea  went the other way around.

"NYPD put your  hands up." Drea said once they were in position. The guy doesn't  put the gun down though instead  he glances at the black lab that was vaguely familiar  to Drea and smiles thinking he easily had her beat

"Tank attack," he said, but the dog shook his head no. Looking  at Drea hopefully. The brunette couldn't help, but smile at her boy. His hesitation  and looking  for her command proves it was him. "Go on attack!" The man urges kicking him. The black dog once again held out looking at Drea with hopefulness. That's when Drea saw Georgie come up behind the man and she smirks. The man finally shoots though  and Drea barely has time to dodge. She lands on the ground wrong and she can feel it. The man then turns around and goes to shoot Georgie. 

Georgie  froze and Drea groaned and kicked the man's leg as she quickly recovered. She knew Georgie  was still new to doing  the kill or be killed lifestyle,  but did she really have to freeze up now of all times. Thankfully the black lab remembers what she taught him, and within a moment the dog knocked him over with a knife now stuck in the man's thigh. Georgie  finally snaps out of her frozen state and shoots him.

Drea scrambles to him checking  for a pulse. "He's gone," she breathes out before turning to the black lab, "Thank gosh, it was you Tomo otherwise we both would've been dead. Thank you good boy," Drea murmurs to the black lab. 

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