In This Together

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Skipping ahead two months because I've used all my idea before the ending, but wanted to add this part in. I hope you enjoy this chapter

" Hey Pumpkin, Mira, wake up, wake up, "  There was a bouncing on Pumpkin and Mira's shared bed that startled the two slumbering dogs awake, both groggily rising before seeing two figures in the darkness. Both dogs immediately yank themselves up growling menacingly. 

 " Hey calm down Whitey, it's just Shelly and I, " the voice scoffs, yet the pugs eyes held seriousness in them, not to mention worry for her friends. 

 " Seashell, what are you doing here! Your owner is going to kill us once she realizes you're associating with us, " Mira barks incredulously and the mix breeds huffs. 

 " Like I care what my owner thinks, it was us before her, and like fluff am I not going to tell my bff that there's a rumor going around, " Seashell replies nuzzling into Mira who sighs. 

 " What rumor is so important that you two are first off working together, and second off here at five in the fluffin morning. We seriously just got our owners to bed, " Pumpkin grumbles and Jade sighs. 

 " I'm sorry, but the passengers are in danger! The public is rebelling against the passengers, " Seashell starts and Pumpkin tilts her head in surprise before they hear a grumble across the room where Nala and Tomo were curled up for the night. 

 " Will you girls shut up, " the spotted one whines slightly, turning her head from the conversation and Pumpkin sighs before getting up and jumping onto Nala and Tomo's bed causing both to yelp in surprise. 

 " Sorry fellow pups, but you two might want to hear this, " Pumpkin murmurs quietly and Nala groans. 

 " Fine, what do your little friends have for us, " Nala asks skeptically with a quiet yawn. And Jade squints her eyes at the bigger dog. 

 " Places are not allowing passengers to shop or eat. They have also started evicting them from their homes. We see more, and more on the streets everyday, "  Jade explains and the four dogs look at one another with a feeling of hopelessness pitting in their stomachs. 

 " How about passenger supporters, " Mira gulped, looking at her friend nervously. This could be very bad. What would they do if they weren't able to get food for Eden, and themselves, and if the other passengers feel more threatened than they already are they could become the public's worst nightmare. 

 " They know, Georgie and Drea, I fear they won't let them in, " Seashell murmurs and Pumpkin can't help, but growl in frustration. The public really had it out for them didn't they. 

 " Oh great, we only have two months left of this freakin curse can't they just leave us be. We already have a death date to deal with, " Nala mutters nuzzling into Tomo.  " And knowing some of the passengers their gonna either attack or give up, " Nala states matter of factly. 

  Pumpkin and Mira nod before they nuzzle their respective friend, " Thanks for warning us you two, we appreciate it, " Pumpkin told them and both dogs nods before heading to the doggy door. 

 " No problem anytime for you two, " They both said heading out, and all four dogs collapsed in exhaustion on their bed. 


 " Aunties, what are you waiting for, they need you," Eden exclaims, waking up the two women who had apparently fallen asleep while working the night before. 

 They both startle looking around slowly trying to piece together what was going on that had their niece so worked up. " Huh, Bean what are you talking about, " Georgie grumbled rubbing at her eyes slightly. Drea doing the same looking at her niece. " The passengers, they need guidance and you're the ones to give it! " Eden responds breezily and Georgie looks at her niece curiously. Meanwhile Drea groans again after looking at her clock. 

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