Chapter 9

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Five months...Taylor and I have been dating for five months and I couldn't be happier! Taylor honestly treated me like a princess. My brother accepted my relationship and all was forgiven. Jordan on the other hand hasn't really talked to me since. Ever since Taylor blurted out that we were dating Jordan's mainly kept to himself. He only talks to Ryan. He doesn't speak to me or Taylor and I'm not going to lie it hurts... It hurts like hell that he won't even talk to me. Jordan will barley even look at me. His on ice performance has been effected to though. He hasn't been playing well at all. He's gotten benched quite a few games and when he is playing he plays sloppy and takes stupid penalties, but what could I do about it?

The oilers themselves were doing amazing! This had to be one of the best seasons they've had in a long time. They were defiantly in a spot for the playoffs this year!

Taylor was currently at the rink or something like that and Ryan and Jordan sat on the couch playing NHL 15.

"Ryan I'm going to the gym," I said slipping on my Adidas hoodie.

"Alright see you later," my brother said not taking his eyes off the video game.

I decided since it was such a nice day out I would go ahead and run to the gym since it was only about three or four miles away. As I jogged I thought about how much Taylor and my relationship had blossomed. I really do love him and I'm so happy he loves me back. As I was jogging I stopped and bent over to tie my shoelace as it had come untied. After quickly tying my shoe I glanced up and saw a couple sitting in a restaurant smiling and laughing. I smiled thinking about Taylor and my relationship. Then I looked closer at the couple and I recognized the man... It was Taylor and he was with another girl... I felt my heart shatter.

I watched as he leaned in to kiss her and I quickly turned away running as tears fell out of my eyes.

I burst into the house and shut the front door before crumbling to a mess on the floor. I laid with my back pressed against the door as tears streamed down my face and I sobbed into my hands.

"Megan what's wrong?" I heard a familiar voice ask and I looked up to see Jordan looking concerned.

"T-Taylor is c-cheating on m-me," I stuttered through my sobs.

"Oh Megs," Jordan said coming and placing his arms around me and lifting me up and bringing me to the couch.

"Where's Ryan?" I asked sniffling as tears continued to stream down my cheeks,

"He went to go pick up Brooke," Jordan said.

"He was right. I should have never started dating Taylor. I should have known he was going to break my heart," I said tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Shh please don't cry Megan," Jordan said pulling me into his lap. I placed my head on his shoulder and quietly let the tears fall from my eyes.

I heard the door open, but I didn't move. I stayed in Jordan's lap and I didn't want to move.

"What the fuck are you doing with my girlfriend?" An angry Taylor asked Jordan.

"She knows you dumb ass," Jordan said glaring at Taylor.

"What are you talking about?" Taylor questioned rolling his eyes.

"I saw you with another girl today Taylor. I know you're cheating on me," I said broken.

"What! Megan I'm not cheating on you I lo-" Taylor started but I cut him off.

"Save it we are over. I can't believe I thought you were different," I said getting up and going into Ebs bedroom just wanting to he as far away from Taylor as possible.

A few minutes later Ebs walked in and I looked at him from where I sat on his bed.

"I'm sorry," I whispered looking into Jordan's eyes.

"For what?" Jordan asked leaning up against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

"Everything... I screw everything up," I whispered quietly looking at Jordan.

"You don't screw everything up. Everyone makes mistakes Megan," Jordan said coming closer to me.

"I should have never dated him, but when my brother called and said you were hooking up with someone else... my heart broke," I stated looking away.

"Megan listen I know what I did that night was wrong, but seeing you with Taylor for five months. That hurt. That broke my heart Megan because I care about you so much and to see you dating one of my best friends that was torture," Jordan said quietly his eyes meeting mine as he now sat next to me.

"Is that why you didn't talk to me?" I asked.

"Partially. I was mad. I was so mad that you chose him over me. I was mad because I thought you felt the same way about me that I did about you. I also was hurt that you chose Taylor over me. I feel like every girl I've ever been interested in always chooses Taylor over me. My heart broke the day I found out you guys were together Megan," jordan confessed.

I looked into Jordan's eyes and wrapped my arms around him pulling him close to me. I missed Jordan I did and even though I had tried to deny it for the five months I was with Taylor I couldn't deny it any longer. I loved Jordan. It scared me to say that it did and I knew I wasn't in any way ready to tell Jordan, but something inside of me told me I was meant to be with Jordan.
A/N- AHH! So much happened in this chapter! Let me know your thoughts! Are you team Jordan or team Taylor? Are you happy or sad that Taylor and Megan broke up? Let me know!! XO

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