Creation of all that never should have been

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The Anti-Void was as empty as ever when Error got there with his two brothers. He still feels as untouched as when he was last here. At least that reassured him. But on the same page, he worried about it. Because the anti-void was the same as always. As always, it grabs the code from others. Error's presence was all that made it impossible to fully touch Genos and Fresh's code. Now he just has to trust that his presence will be long enough to hide them until he finds a solution. And better faster than slower.

"That's not the way to your place though," Fresh commented. Error was a bit surprised that his brother can orient himself so well in the Anti-Void. Has he really been here that many times? It didn't seem like it to him at all.

"That place is known. I'm going to take us to a place where we can't be found anytime soon.” He hopes Ink in his state doesn't remember that he and Error can sense each other, know where the other is. Because if he remembers, it could be to Error's disadvantage. Wouldn't he be able to hide his brothers anywhere else? And he refused to give them up to the Anti-Void or this infection. One would have to kill him for that. And that's quite difficult when he's practically immortal.

Error would like to say that he knows how long he went. But he didn't know. Time has never been a concept here and yet it has never influenced Error like this. He seemed almost… disoriented. But that doesn't fit. If anyone can orient themselves in this white nothingness, it's him. So how can he be disoriented?

Something is not right.

"Error?" Geno looked down at his brother in confusion, frowning. Could he see that there was something wrong with his brother.

"The Anti-Void is changing... It shouldn't be changing. It's out of the reach of anyone who can't manipulate code. And you know there's only a handful of them.” Frustrated, Error looked around at the code of the Anti-Void around him. What was going on? All of this shouldn't be possible! Even he wasn't really able to manipulate his Anti-Void that much!

"Do you think whatever affects the others also affects the Anti-Void?" Error would have liked to say no, but he had to agree with Geno. This infection could also have spread here. After all, the Anti-Void was just code...

Sighing in frustration, Error lowered his brothers, rolled his tail gently around them, and began reviewing the code and completing the full Anti-Void, hoping to at least slow down the process. "I'll try to stop it, but you have to stay close to me. Who knows what will happen if I can't reach you.” For even with the best of his ability, he couldn't suppress the fear in his soul that whispered to him that if he didn't keep an eye on his brothers, they would turn against him too . But it was eased slightly as Geno leaned against him exhaustedly, one hand cupped over his stomach. Fresh snuggled up to his two brothers, looking just as exhausted as Geno. Perhaps Error would worry about Geno's low stamina if the situation were different, but now he couldn't. Now he had other things to focus on.

But like this infection, a sudden tiredness also crept up on him. Error tried desperately to stay awake, but this tiredness was more persistent and stronger than he was. And so Error slowly sank to the ground, his eyes closing before he even touched the ground. Perhaps he could continue working once he had rested...


Reaper has been around a long time, he won't deny it. But things have been different for a few years. Was it because they finally caught Error, he's safely locked away and so he can't cause trouble anymore? The amount of free time that he now has thanks to this must simply not do him any good if he has the feeling that something is wrong. It just feels wrong because he was used to having to work overtime because of Error's destruction.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2023 ⏰

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