Forever And Ever ( One Direction Fanfic )

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I was reading a book in class, really only thinking about what my mom was doing and if she was okay. I remember having to drive her to the hospital because she had chest pains. My mind was also set on something else but that quickly left my mind as a One Direction song started to play on my Iphone. I was listening to my more "bad ass" songs but I guess they made the list. I love One Direction! I may be 17 but their music sent chills down my back, like when someone put ice down your shirt as a kid. 

I was surprised to see my mom in front of the school in our Mercedes. I smiled shyly then jumped in happiness to see my mom here and alright. She hopped out of the car and came around to the front, standing on the school grounds. "Mom, your alright!". I dropped my purse and book bag on the ground and ran towards her. I felt like I wanted to jump in her arms but I wasn't 6 anymore, I'm 17. "Im better than ever Aria, It was just some pain. They said it was nothing serious.". Everyone called me Aria, but my real name is Arianna. Arianna Faye Strauss is my full name but it was never used unless I was in trouble. Which was a lot.

Once we got home, I did what I normally do, grab a sandwhich and a drink. I sat down on the couch and turned the tv on. I changed past a channel with something very interesting that made me wanna change back to it. ONE DIRECTION WAS ON TV! I made sure to have the volume up all the way so i could hear everything. "One Direction is getting chased". Yeah I talk to myself. I guickly jumped out of my seat when I saw it said where they were being chased. They were in D.C! Where I live. I sat back down but as soon as I did i heard massive screaming outside my house. I looked out the windows to see One Direction! They quickly saw me starring at them, I closed the curtains as soon as they noticed me. I rolled up into a little ball trying hard not to scream. Then I heard a knock on the door. I was scared. I didnt want the police or some screaming fandom rushing into my house. When I opened i had my eyes closed, not wanting to see the ugly sight. When I opened it. I think  I scream louder than when I saw them in concert. IT WAS ONE DIRECTION! 

"Excuse me ma'am but we need to find a place to get away from all this bloody hell" Niall said with his mouth full of chips. Just monching on them while he was being ran after. "S-Sure'. My eyes shot open so wide. "Thanks, Love" I heard from the tall boy in the back, Harry, Harry Styles. As he walked by he kissed my head. Then I couldnt breathe, Litterally and I passed out.

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