Telling Wyatt

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Zed's P.O.V
Wyatt is literally the best. I know I should be upset right now, but he just bought me the best froyo ever. He had this amazing smile on his face; you know the kind where his fangs are showing just a little. Oh I'm going to feel horrible when we get to my house and I have to tell him that my ex-girlfriend had a crush on Eliza his current girlfriend. I mean other than Bonzo he's my best friend, and his girlfriend is my other other best friend. What if Eliza likes Addi too? Poor Wyatt is gonna be heart broken. Eliza and him have been together since forever ago! Plus she's been his life ever since they joined Seabrook to look for the moonstone; poor guy isn't gonna know what to do-

"So do you want to do anything else before we get to your house?" Wyatt said snapping me out of my trance.

"Huh? Oh no.. we can just go over there. Are you sure you want to skip class for this? It's not a big deal." I was lying through my teeth and he knew it. Though i seriously don't want him to get into trouble just because he snuck out of school to comfort me.

"Please. You have no idea how much I wanted to get out of that place. Comforting you about something that very clearly has been upsetting you is my way of thanking you for saving me from the glitter galore place we go to school." Wyatt said with a quiet snicker.

Though I had to agree Seabrook itself is a glitter galore place but even colleges have bright pink everywhere. You would think that the college would be atleast a little less bedazzled. But nope they were pink too poor kids.

"Okay well if you're sure.. I guess it's fine" I mumbled mostly to myself as I walked up to my house with Wyatt behind me and opened the door so he and I could walk into the house.

Wyatt walked into Zed's house and sat on his couch patting the seat next to him so Zed would come sit with him.

"So where do you want to start? Take as long as you need there's no rush." Wyatt said to him with a smile on his face as Zed came to sit with him. Boy howdy Zed was dreading telling Wyatt why he and Addison broke up.

"Well I guess it started this morning when I was talking to Addison about our double date with Bonzo and Y/N" Zed paused for a sec, "uhm so I walked up to her and started asking about if she was excited she kind of stayed quiet for a second before breaking up with me.

"Oh my gosh Zed I am so sorry, why what happened if you don't mind me asking you guys were perfect for each other" Wyatt said with a confused frown on his face.

"Well she said she liked uhm Eliza and she didn't love me anymore so we couldn't stay together. Sorry I know I shouldn't have said that and outed her but you deserved to know. Atleast I thought so." Zed said not looking at Wyatt.

"Woah uhm... that's a lot to take in in thirty seconds. Your ex-girlfriend is gay for my girlfriend, and now there is a chance that Eliza might like her back. Okay wow sorry didn't mean to make this about me. Are you okay? How are you handling the whole situation now that you have told someone about it." Wyatt had a look of shame on his face.

"I'm handling it better than I thought I would honestly I am really upset obviously but it did feel nice to tell someone, thanks." Zed had already felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders now that he had told someone. "Thanks for being there for me and someone for me to talk to."

Wyatt felt like his world was crumblimg  around him. Eliza the only girl he had ever loved was probably going to leave him for Addison. Well who wouldn't she was everything he wasn't. She's pretty, smart, athletic, and the captain of the cheer squad. What really sucked for him though was that he couldn't even really process his emotions because he had to be there for Zed. Wyatt didn't want to be an attention seeker and maks this about himself. So instead he settled for bottling them up for later.

"Yeah of course Zed, it's the least I can do for a friend going through a hard time." Wyatt smiled at Zed."I really don't mind helping you out it's really not a big deal. Helping you out I mean the break up is obviously a huge deal. I mean you guys are the couple who paved the way for other monsters like us." Wyatt started rambling not wanting Zed to think that he thought him and Addison breaking up was no big deal.

Zed chuckled a little bit, "yeah no I know what you mean dude don't worry. You would never say that me and Addi breaking up was no big deal."

"Yeah I'm glad you understood what I was talking about." Wyatt checked the clock on his phone, "Well it's getting kinda late so since tommorow is Thursday we can't really do much but I say this saturday since neither of us have plans... atleast I don't have plans. Do you?" Wyatt asked Zed

Zed thought back to the fact that the date he was supposed to go on was cancled so he answered, "no plans here unless sometging important comes up."

"Okay great so we can hang out have a sleepover or something saturday and just hang out for a little bit after school each day. Does that work for you?" Wyatt replies eagarly.

"I think so."

"Alright well since it is kind of late I should get going. I need to talk to Eliza and rather sooner than later." Wyatt looked a little down that he had to leave but he really did need to talk to his girlfriend.

"Yeah no problem good luck I hope everything works out. Let me walk you out." Zed replied to Wyatt feeling guilty that he may be the reason they break up.

"Okay sure." Wyatt stood up with Zed grabbing his bag off of the couch where he and Zed were sittting.

"I'll see you at school or text you later" Wyatt said walking out of Zeds house while the other stood at the door.

"Yeah see you tomorrow, bye Wyatt." Zed replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26 ⏰

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